Some crucial bugs had been fixed since previous release. However, there are still some contradictions developing java apps based on release 1.6 – Class-Version Error, messaging missing libraries falsely, to name a few. Additionally, in certain issues compiling sources are done on v1.5 contrary to v1.6.
There have been many workarounds published at sun's forum facing this problems. The most easiest way is as follows:
Goto Applications (Shift+Cmd A)
Open 'Netbeans' folder
Show Packages Contents (Contextmenu 'NetBeans')
Contents > Resources > NetBeans > etc
Edit 'netbeans.conf': # Default location of JDK, can be overridden by using --jdkhome :
Save file
Happy developing and deploying apps using Netbeans 6.1 and Java 1.6 on MacOS.
Submitted by Bernhard Scheuer on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 20:01