There are two solutions for this problem. In both cases you have to find a computer in the actual country where the content is not blocked:
There is a BPMN - platform called Camunda, which is shipped with a Tomcat installation. The tool itself is really good and includes an execution engine too. However for this challenge we only need diagrams and collaboration. Well, is an online, lightweight, JavaScript version of Camunda Modeler, and its free to use. The diagrams are downloadable as Vectorgraphic images or as .bpmn file (in an XML notation), so transferring them is easy too.
DD-WRT is a Firmware family which is open source an runs on many routers. All you have to do is to buy a cheap router which is DD-WRT compatible (see a list on their site), flash the router and replace the firmware. You can skip this step if the firmware supports Bridge mode per default.
You have to select bridge mode in your admin panel, give the WiFi credentials, and now your router is on the home WiFi, and so are the devices connected to its LAN-ports