Welcome to TechScreen

Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

Correcting XML code

During my internship, I had to make a Wiki for the company Thales Alenia Space which is producing satellites. I had for example to code in XML but the amount of code lines was tremendous. The problem that I faced was that it was really difficult to detect errors in the code. A solution was to copy and past the code on the following spellchecker website: http://validator.aborla.net/

Creating a collaborative tool : Wiki

During my internship, I had to make a Wiki for the company Thales Alenia Space which is producing satellites. What is really important is to be sure that people will use the platform and contribute to it. Thus, it needs to have an intuitive user interface. It is also possible with some formula implemented in Java to calculate the visitor rate by using the number of comments, the number of connexions on the website … To design the Wiki I used the collaboration software “Confluence”.

Web application and HTML versions

I had a 7-month group project with my home university in France in cooperation with a company: “Zodiac Aerospace”. The company is producing oxygen masks for pilots and their problem was that they were not able to follow the progression products and orders in the factory. Thus, the company needed a web platform in internal to follow the progress of producing a product in real time to be able to perceive the origin of production delays if there are any. To deal with the internal problem, products were scanned and then the bar code had to be saved.

Block undesirable websites and pop-ups on Google Chrome

While surfing on some sites, you can be overwhelmed with pop-up pages of advertisement and publicity and some of them can sometimes hurt a user’s feelings, children using their laptops for example or just people not wanting to receive those advertisements. In order to get rid of those pop-up pages and publicity, you can install an add-block extension by going to the Chrome Web store, extensions, and typing block websites on the research field. You can then choose the blocker that suits you the most and add it to Chrome. The most used one is still AdBlock and work efficiently.

Develop a VBA program and protect it

A company received daily data regarding the testing of a production machine. In order to prevent sudden failures, this data is analysed continually to see if there are any deviations but the task takes a lot of time and no human resources are available.

How to extract and analyze data from a machine on a production line?

During an internship in a company that produced hydraulic devices for construction machines, there was a test station on each production line that would test the characteristic of each device after its assembly. The data extracted by the station was stored in a software called Business Object that is part of the SAP package, but only a small amount of people knew how to use this database. In order to make this database usable, I created templates on the software that were usually needed.

Latex - change section indexes

While using latex for a university project I came across the problem that the indexing of the latex sections did not match the section indexing from the task specification. The default section indexing in my latex editor goes as follows: \section returns 1, \subsection returns 1.1, \subsubsection returns 1.1.1. However, I needed the \subsubsection to result in an alphabetical indexing.

Git merge failed\conflicts

While working on a university course in my bachelor studies I came across the difficulty of using Git for group projects. It seemed that with every push there were conflicts to be resolved and merging was not easy. A great solution for anyone, who does not have a lot of experience with Git is using a Git Client (such as GitKraken). Using a client provides a better overview of what is being merged and resolving conflicts is much easier.

BiBTeX not showing references entries in the latex document

While working on my bachelor thesis I came across the challenge of having to reference all papers I used as references. For this, I used BibTex as it was a requirement. I had completed the whole BibTeX file and added a reference section in my latex document. However, I did not see a single entry in the reference section. I used to think that the problem was in the BibTeX file and tried changing all parameters, but nothing seemed to help. The actual problem was that I still had not cited any of the papers in my document.

Turing on PHP in Mac OS 10.10

We had just started learning web programming and I had little knowledge of php. While working in a small assignment, I had to use php. My local server was working but php files would not open, in my MAC OS. I searched in internet and tried a lot of things, and I was able to set system document root at the preferred one, yet my php files would not open. Solution: You have to turn on PHP. By uncommenting a specific module i.e.: "LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so" in httpd.conf file.


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