it seems that the reason why Docker uses much more memory is that it does not allow the operating system to use virtual memory (swap memory). What I didn't see in the original debugging, is that the python program consumes memory of several GB, but windows has automatically moved another several GB of memory to virtual memory to save RAM space. This is however not enabled in docker environment, so the only RAM available to the docker is the one that is specified in the set up phase.
Indeed, Drupal 7 does not appear on the home screen of Acquia anymore. However, you can still set up a Drupal 7 site manually with minimal effort. At the time of this writing, Drupal 7 ist still not in EOL and is receiving security updates. As such, you should go to and see what the latest version of Drupal 7 is (currently 7.77). Click on the link for the latest Drupal 7 version and you will be given an option to download it as a .zip file. You should extract the contents of this file into a folder where you want your site to be. Then, when you start Acquia you will be asked if you want to create a new site or import an existing one. Select that you want to import a site and point Acquia to the folder where you have extracted your Drupal 7 distribution. This will register the site normally and you will be able to launch your site from Acquia, so you won't have to set up PHP, MySQL and Apache yourself, but will be able to easily use Drupal 7.
Unfortunately it is impossible to connect the mobile phone directly to the internet, using only a wire connection to the laptop. The possible solution, that could be useful, is to make your laptop itself as a WiFi access point. Here is some short example how to do that on Windows. First of all you need to check if the WiFi network adapter in the laptop supports the so-called Hosted Network mode. To do that you need to run a command-line command "netsh wlan show drivers". If in the field "Hosted network supported" you see yes, then it is possible. Next, to actually create an access point you need to run the following commands in the command prompt in administrator mode:
-netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=WiFiName key=12345
where you may choose which name your WiFi access point will have (ssid) and your secret password to access it (key).
-netsh wlan start hostednetwork
and this command eventually starts your access point.
Now you need to open network adapter settings on your laptop, choose your LAN internet connection and in the properties,in the Sharing Tab you need to "allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection" and select your created access point
Unfortunately, there is no full automated setup Wizard to install this software "with only a few clicks", at least at the time I could not find any. The installation process consists really of a lot of steps and requires some additional software on your computer, that's why, perhaps, it still doesn't have a compact installation wizard. One of the possible reasons could be that the database was installed and configured in the wrong way. I was trying to use SQLite, because it looks to be the easiest way and doesn't require any additional configuration but also faced a similar problem that I couldn't start my Bugzilla server. In general, I would like to suggest to use XAMPP. It is a bundle of software packages that are frequently used to run web applications. The name is an abbreviation to Crossplatform Apache MySQL/MariaDB PHP Perl, so it includes almost all you need to install and run Bugzilla. Just find some guide online how to install Bugzilla with XAMPP and try it. It is especially useful because this App allows you to start your Apache web server and your database only with a few clicks so after you just need to start your Bugzilla server and that's it
: One solution to solve the problem is to resolve the merge conflict by using the command line.
1. Open Git Bash
2. Navigate into the local Git repository that has the merge conflict with the command: “cd REPOSITORY-NAME”
3. Generate a list of the files affected by the merge conflict with the command “git status”.
4. Open a text editor and navigate to the file that has merge conflicts.
5. To see the beginning of the merge conflict in your file, search the file for the conflict marker “<<<<<<<”.When you open the file in your text editor, you'll see the changes from the HEAD or base branch after the line <<<<<<< HEAD. Next, you'll see =======, which divides your changes from the changes in the other branch, followed by >>>>>>> BRANCH-NAME.
6. Decide if you want to keep only your branch's changes, keep only the other branch's changes, or make a brand new change, which may incorporate changes from both branches. Delete the conflict markers <<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>> and make the changes you want in the final merge.
7. Add your changes with the command “git add”
8. Commit your changes with git commit –m “message”
Now you can merge your branch.
1. Turn ON the System.
2. Press F2 key at startup BIOS Setup.
3. Press the right arrow key to advanced tab, Select Virtualization Technology and then press the Enter key.
4. Select Enabled and press the Enter key.
5. Press the F10 key and select yes and press the Enter key to save changes and Reboot into Windows.
Because the application is multithreaded and the error is occuring at high load-times, I realized that the application is not thread safe and that is probably the cause. So I looked into my classes and entities and realized that one class is not thread-safe because it has two attributes that were not accessed and edited in a thread safe way. The solution in java was to use Atomic classes for example AtomicInteger and to change the value using methods of this class. This way we make the class thread safe and NullPointerException is solved.
The port is occupied by another application already, thus WAMP cannot start. Run netstat -a -b to identify all processes with network connections, find those, listening on port 80 and 8080 (Skype, etc). Terminate those processes. Restart WAMP, all Servers should start now correctly. The other processes can be started again (Skype in particular will default to another port as the WAMP ports are now taken).
There are many different possibilities to answer this question. We will go top down beginning with the browser.
Most of the browsers support the html input tag of type "email" and most of them would automatically warn the user about a wrong format of the address. However there are many standards of email address pattern. Furthermore the user might disable the browser validation, so we should not rely on this.
The second station is the javascript of the browser. Probably the easiest way to validate the email address is to use a regular expression an match the input against this expression. However the user may disable the javascript or send a request in other way than browser. Therefore it's absolutely necessary to validate the email address on the server side. This might be done by a regular expression, but some more sophisticated systems would check the MX record of the domain given in the email address, to be sure it might be a real address of a real mail server.