time management

Study organisation

Especially if you are affected by a curriculum change, it could be hard to find out which courses you should attend. There can be multiple constraints: - already "used" courses for a bachelor study - courses being available in multiple catalogs. Since not every "change in practice" of a curriculum results also in an update of the curriculum document (changes of course names, courses never held etc.), someone also has to check for updates on other places (e.g. http://www.logic.at/informatik/WahlLVs.html) regularly. So first you will have to find a legal compilation of courses. Tthen, when you finished the courses, you may want to find a combination resulting in ideal average grades. Although there is a system for study organisation installed at the TU Vienna (TUWIS++) it doesn't support the filing of a curriculum isn't supported at all. Even if it would there would remain the fact, that someone can't trust the curriculum data in TUWIS++ because of missing (or even conflicting?) data. So my question: What would be a handy and convenient way to organize a study and support someone filing the study at the end?
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