
How to try out web application using multiple logins at once

I am developing a web application that uses JWT tokens to authenticate users which have different roles. In order to test the application I would need to switch between different user's accounts, ideally without switching browser. Is it possible to constrain session data to a tab so that I can login to my application as different users from different tabs using the same browser?

Important use cases are not tested

With a small change (styling, new fields) during the development lot of Use-Cases can crash. To avoid the high effort of the testing all the important cases, testing should be automated. Tools like Selenium provides an capture and replay mechanism. Build servers (Bamboo) can then be configured to start the test on if something gets merged into the master branch.

No logging of user behavior

When the application gets delivered to the client for the test production, there are usually exists bugs. The testing user creates BugTickets, with the necessary information‘s what was wrong during their test run. For lager workflows it‘s not possible to provide all the information‘s (selections, inputs) during their testing. It‘s necessary to provide a logging service to provide all the steps during the test. Kibana and Zipkin provides a tool to publish this huge amount of information.

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Can‘t access some GUI element‘s properties when using Geb framework

Geb is a framework for web application test automation, based on Selenium WebDriver. Sometimes it‘s required to access element‘s properties that are not accessible from page markup by means of WebDriver, for instance attribute „:checked“.
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