To answer this question it is important to know whether the API fully conforms to the principles of REST. A truly RESTful API uses hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS). The entire API can be used by a client that merely knows an entrypoint and the media types that are in use. Processing is guided by media types rather than the structure of the URI. Using such an architecture, the right thing to do would be to version the media types, e.g. by offering "application/vnd.someentity.v2" besides "application/vnd.someentity.v1" when breaking changes are necessary. Content Negotiation is used when a client needs a specific version.
If HATEOAS is not employed and generic media types are used, the client has to use what Roy Fielding calls out-of-band information in order to communicate which version is required. There are many ways to do that. The most popular one is to include the version number in the URI, as in "". Using query parameters or custom request headers are other means to communicate the expected version. In any case it is important to make sure that caching works, e.g. when request headers are used the Vary header should be supported.
Use the following javascript snippet to access the Users location.
var x = document.getElementById("pos"); function getLocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition);
} else {
x.innerHTML = "Geolocation not enabled.";
} }
function processPosition(position) {
x.innerHTML = "Lat: " +
position.coords.latitude + "<br>Long: " +
By navigator.geolocation the user will be asked for permission to share the location. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition) retrieves the location and passes it to the callback function showposition. In the position.coords object lat and long can be accessed, displayed or sent to a server via REST.
I used Retrofit for the REST part. Retrofit allows to perform a REST-call asynchronously. Do develop the one-at-a-time synchronization approach for the tables I packed every asynchronous call into an Executor Service, which supports the detection of finished threads. As a result I could detect for every local table if the synchronization succeeded.