In order to see differences between two latex generated documents, one can use a program called latexdiff:
latexdiff is a Perl script and requires an installation of Perl 5.8 or higher.
If you are a Windows user, you will have to go through the following setup to get latexdiff working on your machine:
1) Install Perl
2) Download latexdiff from CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network)
3) Unzip the latexdiff files and copy them to the Perl > bin folder (default installation in C: drive)
Mac OS X includes an installation of Perl and no additional setup is required. latexdiff can be found in any CTAN repository in TeX Live Utility.
It is important to use --flatten which makes latexdiff recursively operate on any included .tex files. Then use command line like that:
latexdiff --flatten v1.tex v2.tex > diff.tex
where v1.tex is one version (older) and v2.tex is changed (newer) version. diff.tex is then a tex file that is produces as an output.
Here's the procedure for manually uninstalling the AnyConnect client from a Mac OS X system:
As root, run the following shell script from the Terminal:$ sudo /opt/cisco/vpn/bin/
You will be prompted for your password. Once you enter it, just follow the steps
If you still having trouble and/or the new Cisco Anyconnect installation complains that you have a version installed, follow these steps:
Enter these commands to clean out the old Cisco VPN kernel extension and reboot the system.
sudo -s
rm -rf /System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN
rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN
rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/CiscoVPN.kext
rm -rf /Library/Extensions/CiscoVPN.kext
rm -rf /Library/Receipts/vpnclient-kext.pkg
rm -rf /Library/Receipts/vpnclient-startup.pkg
If you installed the Cisco VPN for Mac version 4.1.08005 package, enter these commands to delete the misplaced files. The deletion of these files will not affect your system, since applications do not use these misplaced files in their current location.
sudo -s
rm -rf /Cisco\ VPN\ Client.mpkg
rm -rf /com.nexUmoja.Shimo.plist
rm -rf /Profiles
rm -rf /
Enter these commands if you no longer need the old Cisco VPN Client or Shimo.
sudo -s
rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Shimo
rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/cisco-vpnclient.framework
rm -rf /Library/Extensions/tun.kext
rm -rf /Library/Extensions/tap.kext
rm -rf /private/opt/cisco-vpnclient
rm -rf /Applications/
rm -rf /Applications/Shimo.apprm -rf /private/etc/opt/cisco-vpnclient
rm -rf /Library/Receipts/vpnclient-api.pkg
rm -rf /Library/Receipts/vpnclient-bin.pkg
rm -rf /Library/Receipts/vpnclient-gui.pkg
rm -rf /Library/Receipts/vpnclient-profiles.pkg
rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.nexUmoja.Shimo.plist
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Shimo
rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/SyncServices/Local/TFSM/com.
rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Shimo*
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Shimo
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Growl/Tickets/Shimo.growlTicket
Finally this.
sudo pkgutil --forget
To avoid the you have to deactivate the "Apple Wireless Direct Link" function of the OS X operating system. This can be accomplished by doing the following steps:
If, for some reason you want to reactivate AWDL you have to do the following:
These files are mostly likely meta-data files for OS X's HFS+ file system. See this entire thread on the Apple Stack Exchange for some good starting points if you're interested in the details.
Oversimplifying things, when you create a tar archive on OS X these files are included along with the "real" file. This allows Macintosh specific meta data to survive the trip into a file format that wasn't created specifically for the Mac. If you untar the files on a Mac, the meta-data is preserved. If you untar the files on a non-Mac, the ._ files are generated in case the meta data is needed.
My guess is, at some point someone tared up those files to move them to the production server from their Mac, which brought along the the ._ files for the ride. You can avoid this in the future by running
from the terminal prior to copying the files. Details on this here.
(It's pretty bizarre that PHP would attempt to include those files instead of the correct files — did you debug this far enough to know why/what connect through it was doing?)
Potential users are members of the TU Vienna, who have Internet Connectivity of any kind (but not with a TUNET IP address).
When using this service a TUNET IP address will be dynamically assigned to you. In cases where rights on Institute servers should be set on the basis of an IP address, employees (only!) may also be assigned a fixed address.For this service there are no additional costs involved. Employees can use their Network Account ( to gain admittance. Students can use their Student Account ( to gain admittance. Other Accounts ( can be requested via the Online Account Management.
and also with CISCO SSL VPN Client (AnyConnect) you can use VPN.Cisco Anyconnect is a VPN client based on SSL technology. The software can be installed directly from our VPN-Webportal. Available for Windows (32-Bit and 64-Bit), Linux, Mac OS X.
In order for an Apple computer to bind and synchronize the mobile account with the Open Directory account on OS X Server the DHCP settings must receive consistent DNS information for that server. However with A1 the router allows only using the search domain of .home. However, for consistency, the search domain must match the domain name of the Open Directory server.
If your mobile account won't synchronize with the server, and the server's domain is not .home, check that the Search Domain listed in the System Preferences, Network settings is correct. It is .home if you received your DHCP lease from the wireless network router provided by A1. Change this to match the domain name for your server. If your server is named, then enter the search domain Additionally, it may be preferable to have manually entered DNS server data referencing the OS X Server itself. This ensures DNS record consistency between the client computer and the server, which is required to bind to the server and synchronize the mobile account
After changing this domain name and DNS server, it is a good idea to create a new location specifying the home network to store these DNS and search domain settings. When you are at that location use that preconfigured location, otherwise use Automatic for your Network Location.
Google Apps for Business uses the CardDAV protocol to allow multiple devices to access the same data and update that data set.
In order to synchronize the content stored in your gmail account, with the content stored in your on your Mac, you will need to add the account in System Preferences> Internet Accounts> Click the plus sign in the lower left corner of the windows. Disregard the Google icon and select 'Add Other Account'. Select 'Add a CardDAV Account'.
Enter your full address, enter either your one time password you created specifically for this purpose on Google's website, or if two-factor authentication is disable, your regular password. Server address is Click create.
Warning: Prior to doing this it is suggested that you export a backup of your entire address book.
Workaround: Enable the accessibility full keyboard based interaction for handicapped users by pressing Command+F5, the system will switch from a list of user icons to display two text fields. It will beep once and you can then enter the user name, press tab and it will beep twice. Enter the password for the user account. If successful you will then be presented with the normal user account login screen. Press Command+F5 again to turn off the Accessibility features.
Warning: You must know the username and password for at least one user account in order to authenticate and decrypt the disk which will give you access to the standard login window.
After you download and install Firefox on your Mac you may see the error message, "" can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed when you try to open it.
Apple has made a security change to Mac OS X 10.9.5 which may cause this error and block you from using Firefox. Here are some steps you can take if this happens:
1. Hold down the Control key while clicking on the Firefox icon in the Dock or on the Firefox application file in a Finder window.
2. Click Open in the context menu.
3. Click Open in the following dialog window.
Microsoft Excel offers to connect to all common database management systems (DMBS) trough the ODBC interface. Excel has a built connector for Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL. Since we are using MySQL we need acces the DBMS go trough ODBC.
An ODBC connection brings two components into play:
The ODBC driver manager handels all the installed ODBC connectors. Microsoft Excel uses the ODBC driver manager which interfaces the ODBC connector to Microsoft Excel. Windows offers an integrated driver manager. To open it click the Start button -> Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Datasources (ODBC).
ATTENTION: Since Mac OS X (10.6) there is no built in ODBC driver manager availble. Therefore it has to be manually installed under Mac OS X greater or equal than version 10.6. A recommendation is to use iODBC, an open ODBC driver manager. It is available for Linux as well. Download it at: and install it
This connector is needed for each particular database management system (DMBS) as its implementd DMBS specific that means there is no common connector for all DBMS available. In our case as we want to use MySQL we need the MySQL ODBC driver either for Windows or Mac OS X. Download the connector at:
ATTENTION: Check for which if your Excel is a 32 bit version or a 64 bit version. Even you are using a 64 bit version of Windows, if you have a 32 bit version of Excel running on it you need the 32 bit version!
Once the driver is installed, it can be configured trough the driver manager. Open either iODBC (in case of Mac OS X) or the built in driver manager of Windows (Start button -> Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Datasources (ODBC)) and you are able to add a new user data source (a so called DSN). For this DSN you must provide all relevant information (e.g server address and port, username, password, database name). A easy to understand wizard will guide you trough this process. This works quite similar under Mac or Windows.
Once the DSN is configured properly it is possible to use this database within Excel.
Open a new spreadsheet and klick on Data -> Other sources -> From Microsoft Query (see an attached screenshot of a German Excel version). Then you can select the previously configured DSN of your datasource. Select them and Microsoft SQL appears (see attached screenshot). You can enter your query here and execute it. Once the query is valid, Excel offers you different choices what to do with the retrieved data (please see an attached screenshot). You can simply add the result set to a table or transform it into a pivot table.