
Could not pull from git repository – wrong credentials on windows

I changed my password on the github repository and Intellij asks again for the new credentials. I used the new credentials but it still tells me that I am using wrong credentials. I tried using the old credentials and it still gives me the wrong credentials. I invalidating cache and restarting IntelliJ, but it didn't work and I also tried from windows terminal but it still returns invalid credentials. I tried logging in via the webpage and it works

Another tool which you could use is GitHub Desktop. The application has a better user experience and user interface over SourceTree. The layout of the GitHub Desktop application is simple and straightforward with an uncluttered interface, making it perfect for the beginner, though still including more powerful options for the advanced developer.

Sharing code efficiently with Teletype by Github

Github has promoted the new Teletype for Atom, as a new way to dive the right code with remote collaborators. Work in team in real time with different configurations in different programming environment on any file in Atom, is now possible


Remove a file from git without removing it from your file system

If you are not careful during a git add, you may end up adding files that you didn’t want to commit. However, git rm will remove it from both your staging area, as well as your file system, which may not be what is needed. The file should be removed only from Git-repository without removing it from the file system.


This way you can setup a Wordpress installation at Heroku

Follow these steps:

  • At first you have to clone a project from a GitHub Repo
    >> git clone git:// your_app_name
  • Then you can create your app
    >> cd your_app_name
    >> heroku create your_app_name
  • Now you should create a database
    >> heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
  • In the root folder of your app exists a file called wp-config-sample.php rename it to wp-config.php
    In this file you will find a few lines like define('AUTH_KEY',...) and so on.
    Replace this lines by some random generated lines from here:
  • Thats basically it. Have fun using Wordpress on Heroku.
    For further information of how to go on and get Wordpress running take a look here:

[I really had this problem a few months ago and solved it this way]

How can I run Wordpress on Heroku?

A friend recommend running my Wordpress sites at Heroku, a few months ago. So what steps do I have to talk to make this happen?


I recently had the same problem and found really fancy plugin:


The plugin can be installed like so:

First, ensure that you’re running at least RubyGems 1.2 (check gem -v if you’re not sure).

The will_paginate gem is built by GitHub. Add GitHub to your gem sources (once per machine):

gem sources -a

Install the library:

gem install mislav-will_paginate

To enable the library your Rails 2.0.x (or even 1.2.x) project, load it in “config/environment.rb” do |config|

require "will_paginate"

Don’t put it before or inside the Rails::Initializer block because the Rails framework is not yet loaded at that point of execution.

That will always load the latest installed version of the gem. If you want to have control of the version loaded, you can use version constraints with the gem method:

# choose one of the following constraints:
gem 'mislav-will_paginate', '2.1.0'
gem 'mislav-will_paginate', '>=2.1.0'
gem 'mislav-will_paginate', '~>2.1' # this will load any 2.x version
# (greater or equal to 2.1), but not 3.x

# finally, load the library
require 'will_paginate'

Puhhh, that was the hard part know look how cool it works:

It’s very easy to do pagination on ActiveRecord models:

@posts = Post.paginate :page => params[:page], :order => 'created_at DESC'

In the view, page links can be rendered with a single view helper:

<%= will_paginate @posts %>

For further information:

and if that´s not enough: google is your friend

Happy Hacking!!!


Using Git DVCS (distributed version control system) and GitHub to effectively collaborate on an open-source software project

While collaboratively working together on an open-source project (which aims to provide a fresh web app framework in this concrete case) and moves at a fast pace it conseqeuntly turned out that using the standard approach of centralized VCS for it soon hit its limits. Therefore, we jointly decided in the community to switch to a decentralized one, namely Git. This DVCS was originally developed by Linus Torvalds for managing the development of the Linux kernel. Its main concept basically is that everybody has his/her own complete "clone" of the code repository. So there isn't a single centralized code repository as in the structure/architecture of Subversion, but a number of decentralized ones. As a consequence Git was also developed to have very powerful and convenient capabilities of merging branches of code repository clones. This feature which is also one of Git's biggest strengths shall be described and explained in more detail. Git's basic usage is mainly command line based and can especially in the beginning pose quite a steep learning curve on new users. So it should be given a short introduction to Git's main concepts and concrete usages as well. Another very nice companion to Git is the Git code repositories hosting site/service GitHub ( which can make using Git simpler and furthermore improve collaborative development processes and tasks of a programming/development project. This shall also be presented and explained.
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