Problem description:
The problem occurs as Protégé 4.1 was build and working with Java version.
If you use version >6, like on up-to-date systems than you have to modify some things.
1. Rename \bin\felix.jar to something e.g. felix.jar.Backup
2. Download latest Felix Framework from :
3. Extract the zip and look for the file : “felix.jar”
a. in my case under : \felix-framework-4.0.3 \bin\
4. Copy the felix.jar file into the \bin\
5. Start Protégé and be satisfied and happy ;)
If problems occur you always have the backup felix file to revert to the standard installation.
Helpful Sites:
Problem description:
The problem occurs as Protégé 4.1 was build and working with Java version.
If you use version >6, like on up-to-date systems than you have to modify some things.
• Having also JVM (version 6) installed on your computer.
1. Choose when downloading Protégé 4.1, download without JVM
2. When running the installer you have to choose a JVM at some point
3. Instead of choosing the up-to-date Java 1.7 choose instead Java 1.6 runtime
4. Run the application, be happy ;)