Repairing a damaged file system

I had wrong characters also called “Umlaute” in the file system of a server maybe because of multiple operating systems are working on the files over different sharing protocols. For example ö displayed as o’’ ü displayed as u’’ ä displayed as a’’ For some clients the files weren’t available anymore.
1 answer

Searching for wrong mapped characters in a file system

While in linux, I wasn’t able to write a script, witch could find those special character files, this simple cmd.exe command for windows will write every broken file with the given character into a text file.

dir /b /s Z:\Folder\"*o’’*" > Z:\ös.txt

Mount the required directory.
Then go into a directory with a broken file.
cd Z:\Folder
The “dir” command will show you all files in the folder and also how the “Umlaute” looks like. You can copy & past them into the command.