Requirements for using Database Mail in Microsoft SQL Server

Sometimes it is necessary to send emails e.g. from a trigger or stored procedure. Which configurations have to be made in order to send emails via SQL Server?
1 answer

Configure Database Mail and Sending Mails from SQL Server

  1. Create a Database Mail Profile
  2. You can use the Wizard "Configure Database Mail" in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Node: Management -> Node: Database Mail -> context menu).

    See screenshot

  3. Enable Database Mail
  4. USE msdb;
    EXECUTE dbo.sysmail_start_sp;

  5. Test Database Mail configuration
  6. To verify that the database mail profile is configured properly you can select „Send Test E-Mail“ from the context menu above.

  7. Additionally the sql user has to have the role "DatabaseMailUserRole"

  8. USE [msdb];
    CREATE USER [userxy] FOR LOGIN [userxy];

    USE [msdb];
    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'DatabaseMailUserRole', N'userxy'

  9. Send Mail using sp_send_dbmail
  10. Example code:
    declare @msg varchar(500)
    set @msg = 'test email vom server, getriggert über sql query'
    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients=N'', @body=@msg, @subject='Test', @profile_name = 'anexia'

    For further specification and arguments see