Nested data table in JSF

After certain period the project manager proposed the change of the fields of an object that should be visible in a Primefaces dataTable. The new introduced field was of the type java.util.List with any number of elements. The representation of the values was not solvable in the dataTable as it does not support nested cells. After unsuccessfully fixing of the problem, I needed to represent data in the panelGrid element.
1 answer

Nested tables? Do you actually mean TreeTables? PrimeFaces is throwing out so many new widgets every 6 months, some old features are just not being improved anymore. Check out their new wisget set in showcases. Also, what is maybe not always the best solution, but often helps, is to develop your own custom widget. It is actually easy to do, and will give you the best understanding of how certain components function. I work with JSF for almost 8 years already, I am a senior dev, and I still manage to find enormous amount of bugs within their framework. Some of them I also reported, which were later turned into features in the new versions.