Connected to the WiFi but PC won't access any page

If it didn't happen today a couple of times, maybe I would hardly come up with the third problem related to the internet, so here it is: As today everybody is at home - typical Sunday, then I counted ca. 10 devices connected to the WiFi, which I thought was the most probable source of my problem when trying to identify one. Even though I was connected to the internet the whole time, I still couldn't access websites the most of the time. Nevertheless, Skype for Business was constantly working - which made the things even more confusing.


Hello, this happens to me a lot too! Did you find a solution to this problem in the mean time beside disconnecting the devices that are not used in the moment? Thank you for you answer.
Kawtar Koutit - Sun, 12/09/2018 - 21:58 :::
It would be very interesting to find out why the Skype for business was working!
Daria Piacun - Mon, 12/10/2018 - 09:54 :::
This kind of problem also happened to me, I would also be interesting to know if you find a solution.
Carole Sebah - Mon, 12/10/2018 - 13:11 :::
2 answers

You mention it is Sunday, so this must be a home network. 10 devices would place some significant load on it. Apart from trying to disconnect some of them, you can also try to change the WiFi's channel to improve performance. There are apps like WiFi analyzer (Android) for that.


You should probably add a text stating that the network was simply overloaded. Wasn't clear at first read



This is an issue that I am also facing the most of my time. But in my case, however, even though Lync seems like working, when I want to send some attachment (jpg, xls, png) - it always shows me an error: "Transfer failed"... never found the solution for this problem.

Ajla Kasic - Mon, 12/10/2018 - 13:09 :::