Testing of WEB based applications

In order to test a WEB application the communication between server and client must be recorded and played back. As client side scripting (such as JavaScript) is used the client is also relevant for the testing process.
3 answers

Use of HTMLUnit

HTMLUnit can be used to test Websites from the view of a user, you can fill out forms with it and it also supports JavaScript. It simulates a browser and is intended to be used with other test suites like JUnit.

You can get more information about it here: http://htmlunit.sourceforge.net/


Sahi - a browser and OS-independent web-application testing tool

An alternative would be the automation tool "Sahi" (http://sahi.co.in/w/sahi). The great advantage is that it's independent from the used browser and operating system.


Use Selenium IDE plugin for Mozilla Firefox

This can be achieved by installing Selenium as Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox (Version 3.x).
Clicks, typing, and other actions are recorded and a test is generarted, which you can be run in the browser.
See http://seleniumhq.org .