Bootstrap offers wide range on different components that can be used to get a consistence design.
Bootstrap also offers you the possibility to change your Theme. So you can get a complete different colour- schema with some easy and fast steps
Information about Bootstrap:
To include Bootstrap into your web application. The developer just downloads the Bootstrap CSS stylesheet and includes a link in the HTML file.
If the developer wants to use the JavaScript components, they must be referenced along with the jQuery library in the HTML document.
a simple example of defining a drop down menu can be viewed in the attachment (DropDown_code_Example.png)
The figure in the attachment presents the presentation of the example before (DropDown_Example.png)
If you would like to customise Bootstrap you can also with this link:
define which components will be included in your style sheet or to change the appearance of your components.
I had the same problem at my work. If you are able to build the website from scratch you can use a component suite which provides this functionality. For me I found that primefaces covers this requirement pretty good. All possible functionalities and how to use them is shown on their website:
Drawing the lines is easy with the use of the well documented Google Maps JavaScript API.
For lines i used Polylines "A Polyline object consists of an array of LatLng locations, and creates a series of line segments that connect those locations in an ordered sequence."
So first prepare the coordinates
coordinateArray[pointNr] = new GLatLng(Latitude, Longitude);
and then draw the polyLine on the map
var polyLine = new GPolyline(coordinateArray, color, opacity, weight);
For creating the stations i used GMarker with a customized GIcon.
The click event for showing additional information is done by adding an GEvent
Simple example:
var marker = new GMarker(point, icon); //point = single GLatLng object
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
the text can contain HTML Tags like links etc.