
Using Java to read an XML file

The DOM is a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard. The DOM defines a standard for accessing documents like XML and HTML:"The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a document." </br> The DOM is separated into 3 different parts / levels: </br> Core DOM - standard model for any structured document </br> XML DOM - standard model for XML documents </br> HTML DOM - standard model for HTML documents </br> The DOM defines the objects and properties of all document elements, and the methods (interface) to access them. Write a program to read the content of an XML file using DOM parser.

Running WEB tests as JUnit tests

The test records clicks, userInput and can be replayed. Furthermore JUnit tests are performed and recorded.

Testing of WEB based applications

In order to test a WEB application the communication between server and client must be recorded and played back. As client side scripting (such as JavaScript) is used the client is also relevant for the testing process.

Spring/CXF WS controller: LaceyController

Declare a private field in your controller as the interface of the web service you want to communicate with, annotate the field as @Autowired, and call the desired methods on the field.
See attachment for details.
See Spring/CXF WS server config, Spring/CXF WS client config and Spring/CXF WS service for further details.


Spring/CXF WS service: LaceyService

Annotate your interface as @WebService, your class as @WebService with a name reflecting the address of the jaxws endpoint in your server config and an endpointInterface specifying the interface, and your methods as @WebMethod with an operationName reflecting the name of the annotated method.
See attachment for details.
See Spring/CXF WS server config, Spring/CXF WS client config and Spring/CXF WS controller for further details.


Spring/CXF WS client config: laceyClient

Write a jaxws client with a unique Spring identifier, an interface specifying the class which is exposed as a web service and an address at which the web service is published.
See attachment for details.
See Spring/CXF WS server config, Spring/CXF WS service and Spring/CXF WS controller for further details.

Spring/CXF WS server config: laceyService

Write a jaxws endpoint with a unique Spring identifier, a class specified as implementor and an address at which the implementing class will be published.
See attachment for details.
See Spring/CXF WS client config, Spring/CXF WS service and Spring/CXF WS controller for further details.


Spring/CXF WS controller

A web service is typically an application programming interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform. Apache CXF is an open-source, fully featured, easy to use Web Services framework. The goal is to correctly configure an MVC controller to communicate with a web service using Spring and Apache CXF.

Spring/CXF WS service

A web service is typically an application programming interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform. Apache CXF is an open-source, fully featured, easy to use Web Services framework. The goal is to correctly configure a service to be run as a web service using Spring and Apache CXF.

Spring/CXF WS client config

A web service is typically an application programming interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform. Apache CXF is an open-source, fully featured, easy to use Web Services framework. The goal is to correctly configure a web service client using Spring and Apache CXF.


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