How to store ontologies in a relational database?

The Semantic Web brings closer to realization the possibility of semantically organized data repositories, or ontologies, throughout the Internet that can be used for intelligent information searching both by humans and computational agents. Ontologies are important to application integration solutions. However, while today there is an un-precedented wealth of information available on the Web, to fully realize the power of ontologies and to enable efficient and flexible information gathering, persistent storage of ontologies and its subsequent retrieval is of paramount importance. Therefore, storing ontologies in a relational database is one way to get around this problem.
2 answers

Use Bigdata as semantic web store

Another possiblity is to use Bigdata ( The Software implicitly is mapping ontologies to SQL-databases.


Storing OWL Ontologies in SQL Relational Databases

Relational databases are often used as a basis for persistent storage of ontologies to facilitate rapid operations such as search and retrieval, and to utilize the benefits of relational databases management systems such as transaction management, security and integrity control. On the other hand, there appear more and more OWL files that contain ontologies. Therefore, we need extract ontologies from OWL files and then store them in relational databases. A prerequisite for this storing is transformation of ontologies to relational databases.
