Easy way to trim two columns of a latex file to the same length

Often in scientific publications two columns are used to provide an overseeable document. When formatting latex to use two columns the first column gets filled and after it is full the second column is used. This repeats page for page. Of course when stopping in between a page it is not very beautiful when only one column is filled and you only have content on one half of the page. Besides manual formatting a simpler solution is needed.
1 answer

Use balance package to trim two columns to the same length in latex

To reformat the two columns to be the same length you can use a package called Balance it is imported at the beginning of the latex file where all other packages are imported to. To import the package you have to write “\usepackage{balance}”. At the end of the document where you want the two columns to be the same length you insert “\balance”. This automatically formats the document every time it is created.
