Problems with the arrangements in a work team

During the last two years of my degree, I have been involved in many assignments and works which needed to be completed by teams. This is a very good tool for developing some communication skills, but, what happens when it is impossible to communicate effectively with each other? Argues arise, people do not have clear what to do and everything may become a mess in matter of days. Moreover, these facts turn more severe as the group size increases. So as to follow an order, a solution is required.
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Project Management Tool - Trello

This article solves the following challenge: 

Problems with the arrangements in a work team

One of the possible solutions could be using an online tool for managing a project with more people. An example is "trello" ( This tool permits controlling who are the member of the project, what is already done, what is left to do, who is responsible of each task... This is a very easy and useful tool to carry out any project with a team.

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