Load an image using Html/Javascript

Is it possible (using JavaScript) to load an image stored on the client machine into the browser / browser memory for editing, without uploading the image to a remote server?
2 answers

There is a HTML 5 File API which you can use to read files without uploading: https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/dndfiles/


Using Html/Javascript you can only select files using the file upload html component (I think Flash / Silverlight wrap this to make things easier but its still sandboxed)
You can however use Java Applets (orwhatever they are called these days), Native ActiveX controls or .Net Controls to provide additional functionality (this hase security implications and required VM/Runtimes Frameworks etc)
Adobe Air or other client side technology might work, but looks like you want to do this in JavaScript. In this case, uploading the file to the server and manipulating from there is the best bet.
