Using webby ( for example you can code a web-page much like using some server based webapp framework (e.g. Ruby on Rails or Django etc.)
But webby is not server-based but generates static HTML pages for you.
Regions and parts all pages have in common should be separated from page-specific information (We will refer to the latter simply as content).
The idea is to split them up as follows:
So common elements and page specific content can be maintained separatly.
Every time changes have been applied, the final HTML files can be generated via xsl transformation.
and put the content between the two content tags.<xsl:copy-of select="/root/content/*"/>
Xalan could be used to transform the pages. Then the invokation would look like:java -cp ./xalan/xalan.jar org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in content/index.xml -xsl templates/template.xslt -out index.html
Hint: Time saver: Put these calls into a makefile, so only modified pages get transformed.