
I write monthly newsletters to all editors at TU Wien, inform them about important notions including information about web accessibility and I wrote a manual on what to do to make the websites accessible. I try to stay in contact with the editors and figure out why they don’t do what they are required to do by law.
By that, I was able to figure out what some problems are. Many did not know how to begin, because when your division has a large amount of sites, this is a gigantic task. Others did not even know what accessibility in web means or they did not understand the descriptions in my manual. To solve these problems I tried to adapt the descriptions and expand the available knowledge base and provided them with help.
Another problem is that many editors simply do not have the time in their day to day work to edit their whole website. In these cases, I cannot come up with a solution, because that has to be made by their supervisors or even higher management.
The last and sadly most common problem is that many people just ignore the mails or facts like the existing laws and they do not reply or communicate in any other way. My solution for that is that my supervisor will talk to the Vice Rector Digitalisation and Infrastructure and he will send an email with work instructions to the concerned editors.

Accessible Websites

According to the web accessibility act (“Web-Zugänglichkeits-Gesetz” – WZG) of the Austrian government, the websites of all the institutions that are funded by the government, as is TU Wien, have to be accessible according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). While the technical aspects are almost done, most of the editors have done nothing to make their areas accessible.

The easiest way to get to the desktop version of a website is by selecting the desktop view link on the page itself - if it is provieded! Not every website has this option, so of course your described methods are usefull in this cases as a quick workaround.


If you have installed the mobile version of Chrome on your device with Android or iOS, you can enter the web in question and ask to see the desktop version from the browser menu. To do so, on either device, open Google Chrome and the page you want to visit. Once there press on the menu (on iOS there are three horizontal lines on top of each other and on Android they are three points, both are on the right corner) and look for the option "See as on a computer" that you can mark to that stays permanently and applies to each website you visit



Adblocker blocks Webpage content

More and more websites are asking (or sometimes requiring) visitors to turn off ad blockers before allowing them to view the site's contents. It's sometimes possible to prevent sites from detecting the usage of an ad blocker (e.g. turn off JavaScript). But doing so can cause parts of the site to stop working. I want to get to the site's content without having to turn off the Adblocker.

The following solution is for Windows computers.
1. Access your Local Disk (C:) – also called Windows (C:). Look for the host file in the etc file in the drivers folder. C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
2. Open the host.txt, and at the very end, under the localhost configuration, add: “ www.websiteYouWantToBlock.xx”.
Additional websites can be added on a next line
3. Save changes
This process blocks the desired webpages from any browser.


Blocking a website from a computer

Internet is a very useful and powerful tool. Nowadays children learn how to use technology at a very early age, and it is necessary for adults to control what websites minors access and limit access to others or even restrict it for their own security.

To add a Google Map on your website

Open the site of the Google map, enter your address and search your map location.
After this click on the link icon button on the same page to get the iframe code of the map.
Copy the iframe code and place the code in the Home Page sidebar widget and save it.
Alternatively, you can place the same code in any of the footer widgets and save it.

Just in case if you want an alternative approach to implement the Google map on your website, I would recommend you to try Comprehensive Google Map Plugin ( on your website.

To add a Google Map on your website

It has been a problem with lots of the users those who are running their online business and yet unable to show the map of their business location on the website. Inserting a Google map on your website will help the visitors to know about the location of your business. Moreover, if the visitors wish to interact with you, they will easily find the exact address of your location.

Debug and test network applications

The Challenge is to control the exact form of the HTTP request. The user wants to specify the request URL, HTTP method, request headers, and message body (where applicable, e.g. when using the POST method). The HTTP Client supports both HTTP and HTTPS. Note that the current HTTPS implementation does not perform any SSL validity checking (i.e. is the server cert trusted?; does the cert match the hostname?; has the cert expired?; etc.), and there is currently no mechanism to support two-way SSL (client and server cert authentication).


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