The most important step is to retrieve the browser version in Javascript. When we know with which Browser we are dealing we can differ between the necessary commands which have to be executed. The following code shows the differences between IE 8 (and older) and Mozilla
function createSafeListener(toField, listenerType, functionToDo) {
var appName = navigator.appName;
if (appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
toField.attachEvent('on' + listenerType, functionToDo);
} else {
toField.addEventListener(listenerType, functionToDo, false);
This function lets call it "createSafeListener" accepts 3 parameters
The differences we see is that IE uses attachEvent instead of addEventListener. The second difference is IE expects something as "onChange", while Mozilla only needs "change" and moreover Mozilla has an additional parameter which i dont explain in details here (false is sufficient in most cases).
When we have this function we can use it easily for implementation i.e.:
var noField = document.getElementById('other_1_count');
createSafeListener(noField,'change',function() { setCount(this); });
createSafeListener(noField,'keyup',function() { setCount(this); });
You would think we are done now .. but not yet there is still another problem we have to consider. When the desired function is call, we possibly need access to the corresponding field from which it was called, there is also again a difference between IE and Mozilla, see below
var appName = navigator.appName;
if (appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
if (window.event.srcElement) {
elem = window.event.srcElement;
In case of IE the parameter "this" of setCount(this) will be null, so we have to check again on which browser we are working and use the correct function of IE which is window.event.srcElement