Database transfer while installing IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0

IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0 is one of the main product in WebSphere Software family and we use it as a prototype of our corporate portal. Installing IBM Websphere Portal 6.0 and using DB2 (Fixpack 11) as a Database we have faced a problem that process of transferring Data from Cloudscape Database to DB2 Database always hangs.
1 answer

DB2 database transfer

To avoid this problem you should make additional changes in file db2cli.ini, that can be found in db2home/sqllib/db2cli.ini.
For the DB2(Fixpack 11) version it is required to add following additional strings to the end of this file:


and it is also necessary to add an empty string at the end of this file.
Moreover you have “to kill” manually java processes initialized by previous transfer procedure, otherwise you will not succeed.