*) Check if your IP address is static. If not you should use a service like dyndns to find your home IP.
*) Install an alternative firmware on your router like DD-WRT.
*) Install the program wakeonlan and ssh on your router.
*) If your workstation is switched off you can now use ssh to open a shell on your router and run wakeonlan from there to boot the workstation.
*) For secure remote access to your workstation you can install ssh.
*) Choose an unused port on the router and forward it to the ssh-port on your workstation so you can access it from the outside.
*) ssh can also deal with graphical user interfaces but this is quite slow and needs quite a lot of bandwidth.
A better option is to install a VNC-server on the workstation and a VNC-client on the laptop. The connection can be tunneled through ssh so it is encrypted.