access administrator account

Modifying hosts.txt file

In order to be able to access via remote desktop my new client's UI2 SAP Launchpad I needed to modify my internal hosts file in order to map the right hostnames to corresponding IP addresses and therefore gain access. Being a company laptop with countless restrictions, I do not have the administrator rights over my own computer and was directed to start the incident over at IT support desk. That means at least a couple of hours of waiting for them to accept my incident and offer solution. This was not acceptable since I needed access asap. I tried changing the file in a plain text editor and similar simple editors, but was always left with a .txt which made the entire file not functional.

How to enable Administrator account in Windows Vista

Steps required to enable elevated administrator account in Vista

  • Log into your regular account. go into Start Menu, click All Programs, then on Accessories, then right-click on Command Prompt, and click on Run as Administrator from the pop-up menu, and enter the required password, if you used one when Windows Vista was originally installed.
  • The Command Prompt window will open. Now type, without the quotes, “net user administrator /active:yes”. You should then see the command completed successfully.
  • You should now be able to log out of Windows, and see the built-in Administrator account alongside your regular account as an option to use.

How to enable Administrator account in Windows Vista

You may need to access the elevated Administrator account to access other user accounts to backup files in case of a failure. In Windows Vista, if you need to access the Administrator account built into Windows, you don’t have to boot into Safe Mode to do it.
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