
You should also additionally to the FormsModule import the ReactiveFormsModule from Angular.

import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

imports: [



Change data sent using POST method of HTTP

The main HTTP methods used for sending data to the web server are GET and POST method. When using the <strong>GET method</strong>, the data is encoded directly in the requested URL, specifically to the query part of it. The query part starts with a question mark and consists of pairs key, value in a form <code>key=value</code>, the pairs are divided by an ampersand. For instance to inform the web server that a user wants to log off, quite often the URL of the form <code>index.php?action=logout</code> is used. Therefore it is very easy to change the sent data. The <strong>POST method</strong> uses the body of the HTTP message to store the data. The user has no direct possibility to change the data. We want to find an easy way to do so.

AutoComplete input box

For the improvement of user experience on a web site it is useful to provide a autocomplete element on some inputs. On the Internet there are many scripts available for download which implement autocomplete functionality. Unfortunately most of them are not functioning properly in all web browsers or have other important drawbacks - are not skinable, not flexible for different uses, etc. We want to implement a good autocomplete widget which would not have all the mentioned disadvatages.

How to create an online poll

<p>Many voting systems are not easy to use and need alot of time to get them work,polls are necessary to get real information about a specific subject from the targeted people..This is an easy free mothed to create, manage and share polls using Google Docs</p>
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