
prepare an application server to handle secure connections

<p>In a web application users can collect information on their (or their company's) assets and plan future actions.</p><p>This information is of great value, so the user wants to keep it safe.</p><p>One basic task for a trustworthy service provider is, to let the user know if the connection is established indeed between the two.</p><p>In web applications this is usually accomplished by using a secure connection during user authentication.</p><p>So, an application server should be able to provide such secure connections.</p><p>For this task a SSL/TLS certificate is required. too bad, that there is none for this machine yet.</p>

Creating a new Seam Web Project using Eclipse

<p>First of all, I would like to give you a short information about JBoss Seam. JBoss Seam is a powerful new application framework for building next generation Web 2.0 applications by unifying and integrating technologies such as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), Java Server Faces (JSF), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB3), Java Portlets and Business Process Management (BPM). Seam has been designed from the ground up to eliminate complexity at the architecture and the API level. It enables developers to assemble complex web applications with simple annotated Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs), componentized UI widgets and very little XML. The simplicity of Seam will enable easy integration with the JBoss Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Java Business Integration (JBI) in the future.</p>

Installing JBoss Tools on Eclipse

<p>My aim is to figure out how should JBoss Tools be installed on Eclipse IDE. I guess probably most of you know already Eclipse IDE and possibly heard about JBoss Tools. As we are going to develop some Rich Internet Application, I need your advice for my statement.</p>
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