
How can I easily test responsive web design?

I am currently developing a web page and want to test and debug the site for responsive web design. For example, on smaller displays, I want to display items that are usually displayed side by side on the page to instead be displayed beneath each other. Are there any other ways to achieve this other than simply resizing the browser window?

This is a bug which crops in when within the layout, you set the parent container's overflow property to “auto” and placing a relatively positioned item within it. This relatively positioned item tends to violate the parent element's boundaries and overflows. The simplest fix to this bug is to position the parent container relatively.

Relatively positioned item out of boundaries in auto overflow parent container

I was doing web design using elements inside of parent elements. My parent element containers overflow was set to auto and child was positioned relative. This did not work. My child element was out of boundaries.
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