Reprepro is a way to solve the problem.
There is a nice tutorial on digitalocean: '' on how to publish your packages.
It contains following instructions:
* Prepared and published a repository signing key
* Set up a repository with Reprepro, the repository manager
* Made the repository public with the web server Nginx
* Added the repository on another server
This article solves the following challenge:
How to collaborate on a Java project
One possible solution for Eclipse, is the svn repository. It requires though, the installation of some additional plugins like Subversion, TortoiseSVN and Subclipse. The complete installation guide is shown here:
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Here are the basic/central steps to take.
Congrats, your project is ready to be used with Git and GitHub now.
Here's a good overview of Git and here are some useful notes with common commands.
Have fun! :-)