
Reprepro is a way to solve the problem.

There is a nice tutorial on digitalocean: '' on how to publish your packages.

It contains following instructions:

* Prepared and published a repository signing key
* Set up a repository with Reprepro, the repository manager
* Made the repository public with the web server Nginx
* Added the repository on another server


How to make an apt repository

My application should deliver packages via apt repository. After we create ubuntu packages we need to publish them. What is an efficient way of creating a package repository?

Use SVN repository to collaborate on Java projects

This article solves the following challenge: 

How to collaborate on a Java project

One possible solution for Eclipse, is the svn repository. It requires though, the installation of some additional plugins like Subversion, TortoiseSVN and Subclipse. The complete installation guide is shown here:

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Adding different mirrors for maven / Mirror management in Apache maven

In some cases it may takes a lot of time during a maven build as it is necessary to download required dependecies from the maven central repo. Maven uses a mirror, located in California, United States for downlowding required maven dependencies during a maven bulid. Even there has been implemented a balance loader for the default maven mirror ( recently it might make sense to overwrite the default behavior and set the mirror manually cause of: -) A mirror is geographically closer and faster -) Use an internal mirror (e.g. repo - proxy) Maven allows different settings to improve speed and make the downloading process more efficient and fast. Depending on the workflow two different soultions can be an adequate approach for the problem, described above.

Install Egit on remote client

I have a description how to install Egit on Eclipse on a client. According to the description I have done the following: .) started Eclipse .) selected Help -> Install New Software ... .) In "Work with:" selected "--All Available Sites--" .) in the filter field entered "egit" Nothing to select appears as the client is obviously not connected to the site. There might be the following solution, but I could not try it up to now: .) Get the addressof the site with the software. .) If this can be used in the "Add ..." function, I might have done. .) Otherwise I perhaps can download the software to a local directory and use this directory an the "Add ..." function.

How to use Git DVCS (distributed version control system) and GitHub to effectively collaborate on an open-source software project

Here are the basic/central steps to take.

  1. Register an user account at
    (In this example we suppose the user is called hugo and has as email address.)
  2. Create a repo on GitHub.
    (We'll call it foo-project here.)
  3. Install Git (e.g., on OS X with MacPorts).
    sudo ports install git-core
  4. Set Git user email.
    git config --global
  5. Init repo.
    cd foo-project
    git init
    git add .
    git -m commit 'First commit.'
    git remote add origin
    git push origin master

Congrats, your project is ready to be used with Git and GitHub now.
Here's a good overview of Git and here are some useful notes with common commands.

Have fun! :-)

Post the code on internet

You have a big project and you are in a team with others. You need a secure host where you can post your work and share it with the others members. We are talking about small projects, not those from the big companies.

Using Git DVCS (distributed version control system) and GitHub to effectively collaborate on an open-source software project

While collaboratively working together on an open-source project (which aims to provide a fresh web app framework in this concrete case) and moves at a fast pace it conseqeuntly turned out that using the standard approach of centralized VCS for it soon hit its limits. Therefore, we jointly decided in the community to switch to a decentralized one, namely Git. This DVCS was originally developed by Linus Torvalds for managing the development of the Linux kernel. Its main concept basically is that everybody has his/her own complete "clone" of the code repository. So there isn't a single centralized code repository as in the structure/architecture of Subversion, but a number of decentralized ones. As a consequence Git was also developed to have very powerful and convenient capabilities of merging branches of code repository clones. This feature which is also one of Git's biggest strengths shall be described and explained in more detail. Git's basic usage is mainly command line based and can especially in the beginning pose quite a steep learning curve on new users. So it should be given a short introduction to Git's main concepts and concrete usages as well. Another very nice companion to Git is the Git code repositories hosting site/service GitHub ( which can make using Git simpler and furthermore improve collaborative development processes and tasks of a programming/development project. This shall also be presented and explained.

Setting up a Subversion repository and corresponding Trac app on a (Debian/Apache) server

So the basic problem here is how to best work together productively in a programming/development project and the question which are good tools providing capabilities to potentially support and improve this. One such tool is a version control systems (VCS) which basically helps to keep the code and especially its progress under (version) control in a code repository (transparently). A specific such VCS is Subversion (a.k.a. SVN). This is at the time one of the most popular and up-to-date systems of its kind (i.e., centralized VCS). Its basic slogan is "CVS done right" (which consequently can be seen as Subversion's indirect predecessor system). There are many tools available to work with Subversion from a client/user perspective like stand-alone client apps, integration in editors, e.g., via special plugins or also complete integration in a full-blown IDE (integrated development environment). Now, what's up to do is to actually setup a Subversion system on a server and to create a code repository for a programming/development project. In this case a Debian-based OS with an Apache Web server is chosen as infrastructure. Additionally a Trac app should be installed which among other things offers nice and convenient Web visualization of the code repository (and its progress) to users. When all this is in place users can take the benefits of using Subversion for version control of the code of the project.
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