OwnCloud is an Open Source software with a commercial branch. There are many repositories for multiple operating systems and tons of how-to’s on the internet. It is based on the popular MySQL data base and uses Apache and PHP for web publishing. There are clients for file syncing and viewing available for multiple devices including iOS and Android. Syncing calendar and a address book is limited to the calDAV and cardDAV protocol. While Linux, Mac OS and iOS hast built in the protocol, there is also a client for Windows, called eM Client. For Android users, there are also a lot of DAV syncing software available in the Android-Store.
Prerequisite: Windows 7 Administrator rights
The following steps are required to change the number of cores a program can access:
- First press Strg Alt Entf to open the Task Manager
- Then select the Process Tab
- Right Click the corresponding process of the Program(ie. Firefox firefox.exe)
- Choose Processor Affinity and choose the cores
SASS is a CSS extension, which is used on the “development level”. It helps you write a code, which is later compiled in CSS.
Before going into more details about the installation, I would like to mention two things:
• The operating system that I`m using is Windows 7, so the steps that I performed in order to install SASS are based on that OS.
• For the installation itself I used the console (Command Prompt). Of course there exists some applications that may automate the process, but I choose to use the console since it is build in the Windows and the commands that I used are not so difficult. Those commands are actually the same for all operating systems.
Firstly you should open the console (or Command Prompt), which is located in Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. Another common used way, which I actually use is to press Windows Button + R, then a window opens, where you should type “cmd” and press Enter.
Installing Ruby
1) Since SASS is based on Ruby, the first thing you have to do is to install Ruby. If you already have Ruby on your machine you can directly go to the next step.
2) The easiest way to install Ruby is to go on the RubyInstaller webpage: http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ and to download the corresponding version of Ruby.
Important: During the installation don`t forget to click “Add Ruby executables to your PATH”.
3) After the installation is complete you can check the Ruby version by typing “ruby –v” into the console, which will show the current version of Ruby.
Installing SASS
4) Type in the console “gem install sass”. This command will download and install the latest version of SASS. The installation should not take long time.
5) You can again check if the installation went well by typing “sass –v” in the console. If you get the version information, then you`ve successfully installed SASS.
The configuration of SSO authentication requires that all CRM users have their Windows user names mapped to their CRM user account and the application pool of the update.CRM web application must be configured to support „Windows authentication“.
The following steps are required to configure SSO authentication:
1. Login to your update.CRM rights module using an administrative account
2. Navigate to the users section and open the appropriate CRM user accounts
3. Enter the user‘s Windows account and domain name to the CRM user record in order to associate the Windows user account to the CRM user account
4. Open the „Internet Information Services“ module and select the application pool of the update.CRM web-application
5. Navigate to the section „Authentication“ and make sure that „Windows authentication“ is selected (not „Anonymous authentication“)
Workaround is not a solution
I've seen many workarounds to achieve functionality which should be out of the box in all mail servers, which isn't. Real solution should work tightly with MTA (Postfix, Sendmail), easy to install, configure and work almost without maintenance.
Many dirty solutions for disclaimers and signatures, like MIMEdefang, Alermime or Mailscanner, works perfectly fine and do the job. They're often based on scripts, which are fast and simple, but they've disadvantages. When there is a need to make something advanced the power ends.
We may thing that collaborative suites offer functionality in this field. Not quite. Zimbra have disclaimers, but only for single domain. If we want to add footer to multiple domains, we're on our own. HTML? Images? Personalized signatures with images and dynamic variables from LDAP? Forget about it. Built-in functionality is not even close to business needs.
Administrator it's not a programmer, it's not his task and he doesn't have time to implement everything. Writing bulletproof script isn't easy. For this job milter is needed. This piece of software it's a plug-in for Sendmail, Postfix and Zimbra. It can analyze headers and message body, accept or reject message, modify body and manipulate attachments.
MSH Disclaimer & Signatures it's a milter extension for common mail servers, like Postfix, Sendmail and Zimbra (use internally Postfix). It's a sophisticated application which works in background and does heavy email processing.
We'll add disclaimers in many ways: per user, per domain, in time range.
If we want personalized signatures and disclaimers for our users. Show them an example. Maybe they are not aware of this and we're still in dark ages of email disclaimers.
Pic. Built-in compose editor will help us to make simple and beautiful disclaimers.
I'll show how to install and configure application. Our goal is to make configuration which will append different disclaimers per domain. Go to download page and get proper files for our platform. Server module is mandatory to install, desktop module works on two platforms (Windows or Linux), so we can choose between them.
Install server module
Add execute permission and run with --auto parameter, it will use default values and will install in default directory /opt/msh-ds.
# chmod +x msh-ds-milter.bin
# ./msh-ds-milter.bin --auto
If we have customized environment see more about custom parameters. After installation MTA server will be reloaded and milter will automatically run.
Make sure that defaults TCP ports 1107, 1108 are not blocked but our firewall.
Install desktop module
If we choose Windows version then run setup.exe and click couple of times Next button. If we choose Linux version then add executable bit and run install script without parameters.
$ chmod +x msh-ds-admin.bin
$ ./msh-ds-admin.bin
Run and make some rules
Run Administrator Panel. On Windows desktop find a new position in menu start. On Linux desktop an application is installed in our home directory in msh-ds-admin directory. After installation we'll need to connect to server where we installed milter extension.
Create new rule in Disclaimer Rules node. The task is easy, we want to add company disclaimer at the bottom of each message, but different disclaimer per domain. Of course we don't want to duplicate disclaimers if recipients reply several times to the same message.
Pic. Message Sender condition. This condition matches messages that
are sent by senders within the specified scope.
1. Create disclaimer for both e-mail message formats: HTML and Plain Text.
2. Define which messages should have footer. Choose from menu Message Sender condition. Put here *@domain1.com value.
3. Probably some messages need to be skipped (cron jobs, mailing lists, etc.), use Exceptions to define exclusions. To skip adding another disclaimer choose Message Keyword Searching exception and put some text which you have in disclaimer template.
4. Rules execution path. Do we need to process another rules? Yes. Set proper options when disclaimer is added or not.
5. On the last step define rule name.
Now we're almost done. Create second rule and do exactly like previous, but set *@domain2.com in Message Sender condition and make different template.
Test it and have fun
Save the changes and we're ready to test our settings. Jump to our mail client and send test message to someone (it can be to ourself).
Potential users are members of the TU Vienna, who have Internet Connectivity of any kind (but not with a TUNET IP address).
When using this service a TUNET IP address will be dynamically assigned to you. In cases where rights on Institute servers should be set on the basis of an IP address, employees (only!) may also be assigned a fixed address.For this service there are no additional costs involved. Employees can use their Network Account (username@tuwien.ac.at) to gain admittance. Students can use their Student Account (eXXXXXXX@student.tuwien.ac.at) to gain admittance. Other Accounts (username@vpn.tuwien.ac.at) can be requested via the Online Account Management.
and also with CISCO SSL VPN Client (AnyConnect) you can use VPN.Cisco Anyconnect is a VPN client based on SSL technology. The software can be installed directly from our VPN-Webportal. Available for Windows (32-Bit and 64-Bit), Linux, Mac OS X.
Use the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool to manipulate the image. DISM.exe gets shipped with Windows 7. You can integrate updates or drivers and even language packs.
First you need an ISO-Image of a windows 7 Boot-DVD and an empty USB-stick with more than 6GB space.
If you have a Windows DVD SP1, create an ISO-Image e.g. with http://www.imgburn.com/
Next, create a Windows boot stick:
download the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool. e.g. from http://wudt.codeplex.com/
Install and follow the 4 steps to create the stick. (ALL DATA on the STICK will be LOST)
get Windows Updates:
Install the WUD - Windowsupdatesdownloader from
get the latest update list from:
or download other windows updates (file format: .msu, .cab)
Copy all updates into a single folder - no subdirectories.
main part:
Run following commands in elevated command window.
- mount image file:dism.exe /Mount-Wim /WimFile: /Index:#2 /MountDir:
path to the Windows installation image file (e.g. f:\sources\image.wim)
empty directory on your local drive (e.g. c:\winimage)
- add updatesdism /image: /Add-Package /Packagepath:
folder path with all the update files or full path to single update (repeate if needed)
- unmount the image and write back all changes:dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir: /Commit
will write the image.wim on the usb-stick and delete content of
Now boot a new PC with this stick and all updates will be applied during installation. You will only have to load some new updates from Windows Update.
DISM provides some more options, e.g. remove updates or add drivers. Refer to the DISM help for further instructions: http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/hh825099.aspx
I hava used Standard Java to solve this. Detailed Comments are below:
public class ExecuteCmd {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//the process to be started -> netstat -> shows some statistics about open connections
String[] processArgs = new String[]{"netstat"};
//the process itself
Process process = new ProcessBuilder(processArgs).start();
//get only the inputStream, because we don't want to send command's to process
BufferedReader processReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
String received;
while ((received = processReader.readLine()) != null){
processReader.close(); //clase it
System.out.println("process ended");
Robocopy is a built in comprehensive copy tool for Windows.
Now you can enter your command. The base robocopy syntax is: robocopy %source path% %destination% *.*
example:robocopy c:\windows\temp c:\windows *.* /E
option /E to copy full folder structure - inclusive empty ones
A simple use case would be copying files for daily backup:robocopy C:\Users c:\Backup\%date% *.* /MIR /LOG:backup.log
option /MIR copies empty folders and deletes files in destination path if no longer present in source path
to rerun the script. open a text editor and save the command to a batch file, e.g. backup.bat
See help for more options run robocopy /?
in command window.
One possibility could be to use Wine (Windows emulator) to run the windows program present on the CD. But: Wine often has problems with graphic intense software and the chances, that this would work are rather low.
Surfing the Web showed, that there might be only one decent application to allow the same functionality than the win app.
Mango (http://ric.uthscsa.edu/mango/mango.html) is capable of displaying DICOM picture series and additionally to do additional fancy things needed by a medical doctor e.g. creating 3D models (see homepage for full functionality).
As this is a java program and does not install into the system, e.g. is not accessible via the app-menu some additional steps have to be performed.
To enable all users to access the program it has to be installed into some global folder (e.g. /opt/Mango). All other steps are same asa above. Note, that only superuser can install into /opt.
Another possible program would be Open DICOM Viewer (http://sourceforge.net/projects/opendicomviewer/) but this program only has limited functionality and cannot compare to the feature richness of Mango. As Open DICOM Viewer is a Java program as well the installation instructions above also apply to it.