This process involves having to reinstall the operating system using the Windows 7 installation media, and formatting, which will erase everything on the hard drive. You'll also need to reinstall all your applications once again, and use a backup to restore all of your files. This process takes more time than other methods, but it will ensure that everything works correctly.
1. Reboot your computer with Windows 7 installation files (make sure your PC is set to boot from the drive with installation files).
2. During the Windows Setup, click Next, accept the licensing, and click Next.
3. Click the option Custom: Install Windows only (Advanced) option to do a clean installation.
4. Delete any partition created by you current installation of Windows.
5. Select the empty drive and click Next to start the installation process.
Important: If you have a partition where you store files or a secondary hard drive, you don't have to delete these partitions.
Once the Windows Setup process completes, you will once again back to Windows 7. However, remember that you need to restore your files and reinstall and configure all the programs you have previously installed on your system.
The proposed solution consists of two steps.
For this solution you will need a VPN connection in Windows' integrated service (you need to have login data for a VPN service for this)
This is accessed via the Control Panel under Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center.
Now you should be able to log into your VPN.
Once thats done we set up an automatic task in the task scheduler:
Now that we have accessed the task schedular we create a new task:
"name_of_connection username password"
(keep the " and replace with your login credentials)Now the VPN connection should always be established at startup
Prerequisite: Windows 7 Administrator rights
The following steps are required to change the number of cores a program can access:
- First press Strg Alt Entf to open the Task Manager
- Then select the Process Tab
- Right Click the corresponding process of the Program(ie. Firefox firefox.exe)
- Choose Processor Affinity and choose the cores
SASS is a CSS extension, which is used on the “development level”. It helps you write a code, which is later compiled in CSS.
Before going into more details about the installation, I would like to mention two things:
• The operating system that I`m using is Windows 7, so the steps that I performed in order to install SASS are based on that OS.
• For the installation itself I used the console (Command Prompt). Of course there exists some applications that may automate the process, but I choose to use the console since it is build in the Windows and the commands that I used are not so difficult. Those commands are actually the same for all operating systems.
Firstly you should open the console (or Command Prompt), which is located in Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. Another common used way, which I actually use is to press Windows Button + R, then a window opens, where you should type “cmd” and press Enter.
Installing Ruby
1) Since SASS is based on Ruby, the first thing you have to do is to install Ruby. If you already have Ruby on your machine you can directly go to the next step.
2) The easiest way to install Ruby is to go on the RubyInstaller webpage: and to download the corresponding version of Ruby.
Important: During the installation don`t forget to click “Add Ruby executables to your PATH”.
3) After the installation is complete you can check the Ruby version by typing “ruby –v” into the console, which will show the current version of Ruby.
Installing SASS
4) Type in the console “gem install sass”. This command will download and install the latest version of SASS. The installation should not take long time.
5) You can again check if the installation went well by typing “sass –v” in the console. If you get the version information, then you`ve successfully installed SASS.
At least since Windows 7 you have the this option built-in.
Use the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool to manipulate the image. DISM.exe gets shipped with Windows 7. You can integrate updates or drivers and even language packs.
First you need an ISO-Image of a windows 7 Boot-DVD and an empty USB-stick with more than 6GB space.
If you have a Windows DVD SP1, create an ISO-Image e.g. with
Next, create a Windows boot stick:
download the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool. e.g. from
Install and follow the 4 steps to create the stick. (ALL DATA on the STICK will be LOST)
get Windows Updates:
Install the WUD - Windowsupdatesdownloader from
get the latest update list from:
or download other windows updates (file format: .msu, .cab)
Copy all updates into a single folder - no subdirectories.
main part:
Run following commands in elevated command window.
- mount image file:dism.exe /Mount-Wim /WimFile: /Index:#2 /MountDir:
path to the Windows installation image file (e.g. f:\sources\image.wim)
empty directory on your local drive (e.g. c:\winimage)
- add updatesdism /image: /Add-Package /Packagepath:
folder path with all the update files or full path to single update (repeate if needed)
- unmount the image and write back all changes:dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir: /Commit
will write the image.wim on the usb-stick and delete content of
Now boot a new PC with this stick and all updates will be applied during installation. You will only have to load some new updates from Windows Update.
DISM provides some more options, e.g. remove updates or add drivers. Refer to the DISM help for further instructions:
1. Go to Computer, and note the name of the drive whose file system you wish to convert.
2. Click on Start.
3. Type cmd in the search bar if you use Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows Vista. If you use Windows XP, click on Run and then execute cmd.
4. Execute "chkdsk h: /f " (without quotes) where H is the letter of the drive to undergo conversion. This checks the drive for errors and fixes them automatically.
5. Execute "Convert H: /FS:NTFS" (without quotes). H is again the letter of the drive to be converted.
6. The command prompt will start the conversion process and after a few minutes, CMD will say that conversion was successful.
7. You can check it in the properties of the drive through right click “Properties”.
Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System
In the dialog box System Properties, click the Hardware tab - > Device Manager
In Device Manager open Disk Drives/Devices, double-click to open the properties window of the external drive.
In Policy tab, click Optimize for performance -> OK;
close Device Manager, System Properties
open My Computer, right-click the icon of the external drive
from the shortcut menu, select Format ...
in the “Format” of Removable Disk file system option NTFS appeared ( instead of FAT);
format the drive to NTFS;
set Optimize for quick removal : My Computer -> Properties - > System -> Hardware -> device Manager - > disk Drives -> < Removable Disk > -> Properties - > Politics.
Firstly the Weka-User has to extend the memory available for the Java virtual machine by setting appropriate options. With Sun's JDK the Weka-User can set the parameter "-Xmx1024m" to set the maximum Java heap size to 1024MB.
Under Windows 7 The Weka-User can set this parameter under Control Panel -> Java -> Java -> View -> Runtime Parameters.
Secondly the Weka-User has to change the "maxheap" parameter in the RunWeka.ini File. This file is contained in the root directory of your Weka installation. By setting "maxheap=1024m" the maximum heap size is set to 1024MB.
The windows sidebar gadgets are noting more than small HTML files that are added by the OS to the sidebar automatically. The interface between the file and the OS is a XML file that specifies some important facts and looks like this:<code><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><gadget> <name>MyGadgetName</name> <namespace>Namespace.Gadget</namespace> <version>1.1</version> <author name=""> <logo src="images/logo.png" /> <info url="" /> </author> <copyright>© Wien, 2009 </copyright> <description>Newsgadget</description> <icons> <icon width="64" height="64" src="images/icon_64.png" /> </icons> <hosts> <host name="sidebar"> <base type="HTML" apiVersion="1.0.0" src="main.html" /> <permissions>Full</permissions> <platform minPlatformVersion="1.0" /> <defaultImage src="images/bg_drag.png"/> </host> </hosts></gadget></code> The most important option is the base tag. It specifies the path to the entrypoint - in my example this is the main.html. There are some other options like logos, URLs or version numbers which can be figured out very easily. All that I had to do now was creating the main.html and writing some javascript code to parse the remote RSS feed:<code>function getRSS() { try { var req = null; if (window.ActiveXObject) { req = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } feedUrl = ''+Math.random();"GET", feedUrl , true); req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if(req.readyState == 4) { if(req.status == 200) { var rssXML = req.responseXML; // assign the XML file to a var if (parseRSS(rssXML) === true) { /* YESSSS */ } else { /* UUPS */ connectionError(); } } else { alert("Error: returned status code " + req.status + " " + req.statusText); connectionError(); } } }; req.send(null); } catch(err) { alert("General Error: " + err); connectionError(); }}</code>What this function does is creating a connection to a given rss feed and fetching the data. If that is possible it sends the data to another function named parseRSS() which looks like that:<code>function parseRSS(rssXML) { var rssItems = rssXML.getElementsByTagName("item"); feedItems =[]; var feedCount=0; var feedDate; feedDate = rssXML.getElementsByTagName("dc:date"); if(feedDate[0] !== null) { feedDate = feedDate[0].firstChild.nodeValue; } else { feedDate =""; } for(i=0;i<rssItems.length;i++) { try { var title = rssItems[i].getElementsByTagName("title"); var description = rssItems[i].getElementsByTagName("description"); var link = rssItems[i].getElementsByTagName("link"); if(title[0] !== null && description[0] !== null && link[0] !== null) { var feedItem = []; var relatedItems= []; feedItem[0]= title[0].firstChild.nodeValue; feedItem[1]= description[0].firstChild.nodeValue; feedItem[2]= link[0].firstChild.nodeValue; feedItems[feedCount]= feedItem; feedCount++; } } catch(err) {} } if(feedCount>0) { return true; } else { return false; }}</code>No I have an associative array named feedItems[] which contains all the fetched RSS data. This information can now be desplayed very easily using basic javascript functionality.Finally I zipped all my files (gadget.xml, main.html, javascript-files, images, etc.) and changed the file suffix from .zip to .gadget. On Windows Vista or Windows 7 system a simple doubleclick on this archive is enough and the gadget will be installed.
Boot Camp is software included with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard that lets you run compatible versions of Microsoft Windows on an Intel-based Mac.I will be guiding you guys through how to setup Boot Camp in Mac OS X Leopard or Snow Leopard. Boot Camp is a utility that comes with every new Macintosh and can run on any Intel Macintosh. It allows you to natively boot and run Windows XP (SP2 or later), Vista or Windows 7 (Not officially supported yet). Here goes the tutorial:Step 1: Navigate to Applications>Utilities>Boot Camp Assistant and open it. Read the introduction and click continueStep 2: Pick a partition size and select “Partition”. Allow the assistant to partition your hard drive for you.Step 3: Follow the rest of the Boot Camp Assistant instructions, ending with inserting your Windows Installation DVD/CD.Step 4: For the rest of the steps in setting up and installing Windows on to your Mac, follow this Apple Boot Camp tutorial: