Useful sites:
wkhtmltoimage is a tool that I found to be quite useful when producing screendumps of websites. The homepage may be found here. I'm using it on several servers and have not had any difficulties yet.
With newer versions there are almost no system prerequisites. Depending on the distribution you may have to install one or two X11 libraries to get the fonts right. For example some users reported that they had to install urw-fonts
or libx11-dev
. Otherwise the static binary runs out of the box, tested on Ubuntu, RHEL and Arch Linux.
Usage in the simplest case amounts to just "wkhtmltoimage [input file] [output file]
" where the input file can either be a web address or a local html file. Additionally the application comes with a lot of optional parameters which include e.g. disabling JavaScript, using custom style sheets or even modifying cookies.
There is also a version that produces PDF instead of images called wkhtmltopdf. It can be found on the same website.
Since MAC address authentication is based on the MAC address we need to change the MAC address to an address that is not in the list of allowed MAC addresses of the WiFi access point.
Usually the MAC address is fixed in hardware but most operating systems allow you to change the address.
To change the MAC address in Ubuntu Linux follow these steps:
ifconfig wlan0
to look up your old IP address, write it down.sudo su
ifconfig wlan0 down
ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
ifconfig wlan0 up
EDIT: This is not the solution to the challenge mentioned above, but for Sorry! :)
What do you need
--> linux server (Ubuntu can do the job
--> imap (
--> fetchmail (
--> procmail (
How to configure
--> start a shell and log on your server
--> enter vim .fetchmail.rc
--> enter i
to insert content
--> now you can add several servers
--> example: you have to edit content inside {} delete{} afterwards #Server gmx
proto pop3
#User and Password
user {yourusername}
pass {yourpass}
#Options keep-> leaves messages on the server
mda 'procmail -f-'
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %s"
#another server configuration
proto pop3
user {yourusername}
pass {yourpass}
mda 'procmail -f-'
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %s"
--> after you have finished your configuration enter ESC umschalt+:x enter
to save the file
--> now we have to configure the procmail config to filter our emails
--> enter vim .procmailrc
--> enter i
to insert content
--> now you can enter a bunch of filter rules
--> gilters are regex compatible (ärer_Ausdruck)
--> each filter begins with :0:, next line is the regex statement and the last line is the folder where you want to put your filtered emails.
--> example (you have to edit content inside {} delete{} afterwards)
* ^List-Id: {some mailing list name}
* ^To:.*{your email adress}*
:0: spamassassin.lock
| spamc
* X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*
--> after you have finished your configuration type ESC umschalt+:x enter
to save the file
--> now we have to give that file the permission to be executed by the group
--> enter chmod u=rwx,g=x,o-rx .procmailrc
--> now we have to edit the .forward file
--> enter vim .forward
--> enter i
to insert content
--> enter
--> after you have finished your configuration type ESC umschalt+:x enter
to save the file
-->the last step is to make a cronjob, so that our mails are fetched from the servers and filtered every 6 minutes
--> enter export EDITOR=vim
--> enter crontab -e
--> enter i
to insert content
--> example (you have to edit content inside {} delete{} afterwards)# m h dom mon dow command
*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/fetchmail -s -f /home/{yourusername}/.fetchmailrc
--> after you have finished your configuration type ESC umschalt+:x enter
to save the file
Finished! Now your mails get fetched from different servers and filtered into your MAILDIR into different folders and you can config your thunderbird to see your mails from everywhere.