
One of the solutions would be to mount an USB stick with Ubuntu on it.

After Ubuntu Live is started, boot-repair-disk should be installed.

*How to install:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair

Run it through dash or through terminal.

After running "recommended repair", most of the problems regarding GRUB should be fixed.



Chrome on Ubuntu causes kernel panic

This article solves the following challenge: 

Chrome on Ubuntu causes kernel panic

This article solves the following challenge: 
Chrome on Ubuntu causes kernel panic
This article solves the following challenge: 
Chrome on Ubuntu causes kernel panic
This article solves the following challenge: 
Chrome on Ubuntu causes kernel panic
This article solves the following challenge: 
Chrome on Ubuntu causes kernel panic
The freezing itself would be a classical hint pointing towards some problems with the driver of the used GPU. However there are several things one can do to avoid this very unpleasant system behavior. Chrome, like other modern browsers, has the possibility to fall back on other components besides the regular CPU when it comes to tasks that are not very suitable for it (e.g. graphical processing with the GPU). This option is called “hardware acceleration” and can be deactivated. To do that, you only have to go into the options menu of Chrome, expand the advanced settings and scroll down to the system settings. Uncheck the corresponding checkbox.
This solution works fine, but now Chrome can’t optimize its performance any more using the available hardware. Another option is to target the used graphical driver itself. Therefore open up the Ubuntu system settings, search for “Software & Updates”, switch to the tab called “Additional drivers” and wait for the list to be loaded. Look for the graphic card driver and try a “proprietary” one.
If this problem occurs with the 64 bit version of Chrome, another thing that can be tried, is to use the 32 bit one. I did not try this myself, but I have read, that it have solved the problem in some cases.
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Viber for Linux

Viber now released Debian binary: www.viber.com/products/linux/

You must have 64bit version of Ubuntu, Debian, Mint or ZorinOS to be able to install the Viber to your Ubuntu system.


Configuration solution for nginx on ubuntu

First, we need to select the Ubuntu as the image on our server.
After installing Ubuntu, we need to configure DNS on out domain. In case our domain is www.domain.com, we need to point it's DNS settings to Digitalocean's server. At our domain registrar, we point our domain to:

  • ns1.digitalocean.com
  • ns2.digitalocean.com
  • ns3.digitalocean.com
    • After configuring the DNS, we need to connect to our server with SSH command in terminal
    • ssh username@yoursite.com -p definedport
    • After we are asked for the password, we will access our remote server.
      When connected to the remote server, first thing we need to do is aces superuser privilege and instal nginx. We do it with the following command:

    • sudo apt-get install nginx
    • After this step, nginx will be installed but not running. In order to start the nginx service, we type into the terminal

    • sudo service nginx start
    • Our nginx is now up and running. Now we need to create a virtual host and a folder which will contain our file. We do it wit the command

    • sudo mkdir -p /var/www/domain.com/public_html
    • We need to change the permissions, so that everyone can read our files, but only root use can modify them. We do it with chmod command:

    • sudo chmod 755 /var/www
    • Nginx by default looks for the index.html file which we need to create, and put some content in it:

    • sudo nano /var/www/domain.com/public_html/index.html
    • Now we need to create our virtual host file in nginx's site-available folder

    • sudo cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/domain.com
    • sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/domain.com
    • Now we have our configuration opened in a tex editor, with some default values. Our new server requires the following configuration:

      server {
      listen 80; ## this is default HTTP port

      root /var/www/domain.com/public_html;
      index index.html index.htm index.php; ##this is the list of files nginx will search for

      # Make site accessible from http://localhost/
      server_name domain.com;

      Now we save it and exit. We need to draw a parallel from available to enabled sites, so we do it with

    • sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/domain.com /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/domain.com
    • In the final step, we need to restart our nginx server to apply changes. We do it with

    • sudo service nginx restart
    • .
      At this point, our site should be up and running.
      From what is seen here, configuring nginx is even easier in the beginning than configuring Apache.
      For sites with a lot of workload and if we pay attention to our resources, it is a much better choice than Apache.


Use rsync and duplicity together with ssh-keys for remote secure backup

On Ubuntu:


  • sudo apt-get install rsync
  • sudo apt-get install duplicity


  • Create your ssh-key key pair (public/private).
  • Copy the public key to the remote server and add it to the authorized_keys section there
  • rsync -avz * myuser@myremote.server.com:/backup/dir/
  • duplicity --verbosity info --allow-source-mismatch /data/to/backup/securly/also/with/encrypted/transfer/ rsync://myuser@myremote.server.com//backup/dir/for/encrypted/backups/

    To automate this with periodic execution, use "crontab"-entries, and/or add logic process functionality by using shell scripts.

  • Taggings:

    Using the linux command line tool "curl" for accessing REST endpoints

    So here is one way to do it (on an Ubuntu box):

    1. Open a terminal
    2. Install "curl": sudo apt-get install curl
    3. Find out the web-adresses of your respective REST services and their needed inputs
    4. Issue the following (exemplary) command:
    curl -v -s -H "X-Requested-Auth: Digest" --digest -u your_remotesystem_account:theverygoodpassword --form-string "workflowDefinitionId=full" -F "file=@media.zip" http://webappserver.tuwien.ac.at/ingest/addZippedMediaPackage &
    5. Play around a bit to get the syntax/inputs right, check if the status of your webapp has changed, if not, retry
    6. Be happy ;)


    example of a smtp dialog

    Connect to an arbitrary mail server on port 25 using telnet
    telnet mail.eightloops.com 25

    The mail server responds
    Connected to mail.eightloops.com.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 mail.eightloops.com ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)

    Type into the smtp session:
    ehlo eightloops.com

    The mail server responds:
    250-SIZE 40960000
    250 DSN

    Tell the mail server who is the sender:
    MAIL FROM: e1129560@student.tuwien.ac.at
    250 2.1.0 Ok

    Tell the mail server who is the recipient:
    RCPT TO: thomas.preissler@eightloops.com
    250 2.1.5 Ok

    Tell the mail server that you want to deliver the actual data:
    354 End data with .
    Subject: test
    Hello World!

    Quit your message by using a single dot

    250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 13C248D49E5D

    Quit the SMTP session
    221 2.0.0 Bye
    Connection closed by foreign host.


    CA Certificate

    For Linux machines it is necessary to set the correct CA certificate as well. The installed certificates are stored at /etc/cert.
    As many users are Using Ubuntu I give step-by-step instructions for this distribution. For other distros the steps are similar.

    • Open the Network Connection Settings-dialogue either via "System Settings" or via the Network-Icon on the menu bar on top of the screen
    • Select your eduroam-connection from the list of connections and choose "Edit"
    • Choose the "Wi-Fi Security"-tab.
    • Have a look at the "CA certificate"-settings. The certificate Deutsche_Telekom_Root_CA_2.pem has to be set. This can be done by just klicking on the button right of the label "CA certificate". The machine shall search in the right folder automatically. If not, choose /etc/cert

    The attached picture shows the correctly filled in Settings dialogue.


    RabbitVCS a graphical tool for version control on linux

    If you know TortoiseSVN on windows systems you will recognize strong similarities in RabbitVCS. It provides a nice interface which is integrated into nautilus, the default file manager in gnome.

    Install it on Ubuntu/Linux Mint:

  • adding PPA
    sudo apt-get-repository ppa:rabbitvcs/ppa
    After installation you may need to restart some programs to activate the interface (e.g. nautilus)

    More information on installation of RabbitVCS can be found here:

    Screenshot of RabbitVCS integration:

    Logo of RabbitVCS:

  • Add Source Control Integration to Mantis 1.2.X

    Due to the lack of a built in solution or a (simple) plugin which connects a SVN-repository and Mantis, the connection of these two system could be a bit tricky.


    1. Install an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
    2. Install SVN
    3. Install WebSVN
    4. Install Mantis 1.2.X
      1. Install Source Control Integration plugin
      2. Install Subversion Integration plugin
      3. Install Subversion / WebSVN Integration plugin

    These system could be but must not be on the same host.

    Configuration SVN
    Add a post commit hook to your SVN-repository with the following code:



    ${CURL} -d "repo_name=${PROJECT}" -d "data=${REV}" -d "api_key=4289def1asdc402abf71de1d" ${URL}

    Configuration WebSVN
    Add the repository to WebSVN, which is use to see the source of the code and the diffs of the commits.

    1. Change file:

    2. Add to file:

      $config->addRepository('$NAME', 'svn://URL_TO_REPOSITORY', null, '$SVN_USER', '$SVN_PASSWORD');

      $NAME ... the repository name
      $SVN_USER ... the username of a svn user
      $SVN_PASSWORD ... the password of an svn user

    Configuration WebSVN
    Add the repository to Mantis.

    1. In Mantis klick on Repositories in the Menubar
    2. Add the Name of the Repository (the same name which was used in WebSVN)
    3. Choose webSVN as Type
    4. Klick Create Repository
    5. See attached screenshot for further repository properties

    Commit message commands

    • use "issue $TICKET_NUMBER" to assign a ticket to a commit
    • use "#fixes $TICKET_NUMBER" to set the status of a ticket to resolved



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