
Found 348 results
Grover V.  2002.  From business reengineering to business process change management: a longitudinal study of trends and practices. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management ( Volume: 46, Issue: 1, Feb 1999 ).
Friedrich R, Iglezakis I, Klein W, Pregizer S.  2002.  Experience-based decision support for project management with Case-Based Reasoning. 1st German Workshop on Experience Management: Sharing Experiences about the Sharing of Experience, Berlin, March 7-8, 2002, Proceedings.
Smeulders AWM, Worring M, Santini S, Gupta A, Jain R.  2000.  Content-based image retrieval at the end of the early years. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE. 22:1349–1380.
Leung KRPH, Chung JML.  1999.  The Liaision Workflow Engine Architecture. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 32
Aarts RJ.  1998.  A CBR Architecture for Project Knowledge Management. European Workshop on Advances in Case-Based Reasoning.
Ketler K.  1993.  Case-Based Reasoning: An Introduction. Expert Systems with Applications. 6(1):5.
Mott S.  1993.  Case-Based Reasoning: Market, Applications, and Fit With Other Technologies. Expert Systems with Applications. 6(1):7.
Fouque G., Matwin S..  1992.  CAESAR: a system for case based software reuse. Seventh Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference.
Huang M-J, Chen M-Y, Lee S-C.  0.  Mining competent case bases for case-based reasoning. Expert Systems with Applications. 32(3)
