This is the solution of creating Seam Web Project on Eclipse, JBoss Tools and JBoss 4.2 (JBoss Application Server (or JBoss AS) is a free software / open source Java EE-based application server. Because it is Java-based, the JBoss application server is cross-platform, usable on any operating system that Java supports) as intented Web server to be deployed on: Prerequisites: 1) Eclipse and JBoss Tools are installed 2) JBoss AS 4.2 is installed If you have installed the prerequisted software in your PC or notebook, you just follow the instruction below: 1. Start up Eclipse with a brand new workspace. This can be achieved many different ways but the easiest is with a fresh installation of Eclipse and the second easiest is going to File -> Switch Workspace -> Other and browsing to a new directory to be the workspace. 2. With your new workspace, go to File -> Project. This will open the New Project wizard and you want to go down to the Seam folder and select the Seam Web Project (wizard). 3. The Seam Web Project wizard will guide you through the rest of the project configuration including setting up a target runtime and server. Start off by creating a new Target Runtime with JBoss v4.2 as the runtime type. Click next and follow the instructions by specifying the JRE and Application Server Directory for the JBoss 4.2 Runtime. Click Finish when complete. Now it’s time to create a new Server Runtime. Choose the JBoss AS 4.2 as the server type, click Next, and fill in the Name and Home Directory fields. Click next again then finish when completed. This will bring you back to the Seam Web Project wizard. With JBoss 4.2 as the target runtime and server, select “Dynamic Web Project with Seam 2.0 (technology preview)” as the configurations and click Next to continue. 4. Select the Project Facets you need for your project then click Next. The Web Module dialog allows you configure the web module settings. When completed, click Next. The JSF Capabilities dialog allows you to add JSF Capabilities to this web project. When done, click Next. 5. Now it’s time to configure the Seam Facet. First, let’s add a Seam Runtime. In the New Seam Runtime dialog, browse to the home directory of the Seam 2.0 runtime and make sure the Name and Version are filled in appropriately then click Finish. Now, we need to setup the database connection. Click the “New” button to create a new Connection profile and select “Generic JDBC Connection” as the connection profile type. Give a name to our new connection profile and click Next. Select a driver from the drop-down or click the “…” button to establish a new driver definition (this tutorial assumes no driver definitions have been specified). After clicking the “…” button, select the MySQL / 5.0 driver definition entry and click Add. Then, select the “MySQL JDBC Driver” driver template and make sure the box is checked to “Edit New Driver Definition Immediately”. Add the necessary jars to the driver files box and remove any that are not applicable or not found then click OK. Scroll down the driver definitions box and select the new MySQL JDBC Driver definition and click OK. Fill any applicable fields in the Driver and Connection Details dialog window then click Finish. Fill in the DB schema and catalog name if known and modify the Code Generation section as needed then click Finish. Clicking Finish, will prepare and create the Seam Web Project for Eclipse. That's it!!! I hope that this information is some usefull or will be usefull to you in the future.