Embed Calendar

When creating Blogs or Websites, it's sometimes helpful to have a calendar on the site. This is often needed to inform certain members of a group or organization about a schedule or certain events. While it can be painful to create a calendar on your own, there are online calendars which can be embedded into a webpage very easily. Task: <ul><li>Find an online calendar of your choice.</li> <li>Learn how to embed this calendar into your webpage.</li> <li>Try to customize color and size of the calendar.</li></ul>
1 answer

Embedding Google Calendar as iframe

Requirement: You will need a Google Account for this. You can create a new one here: https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount

  1. Go to https://www.google.com/calendar
  2. Click the down arrow right beneath the calendar you want to share and choose "Calendar settings"
  3. There is a row called Embed this calendar: Click on "Customize the color, size, and other options" to customize the calendar's style to your needs. (If you're familiar with HTML, you also can manipulate the HTML code directly.
  4. Now copy the HTML-Code to the Clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C (Mac: Cmd+C).
  5. And paste it into the source-code of your webpage (for example by using a web editor like Dreamweaver or a Blogging software like WordPress or Blogger).
