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Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

Troubleshooting java applications

Often a java application slows down after a certain time period. It is difficult to find out, what is causing the problem.

PDF from Java Collection using JasperReports

There is java data, that should be printed out on a PDF in a defined format. The data is available as collection of pojos. The desired output format is provided from the customer as a sample PDF with dummy data.

.Net MVC Entity Framework 6 Stored Procedures

ORMs like the Entity Framework 6 are an easy way to handle database operation without using plain SQL. The fundamental issue with this approach is the performance. The combination of EF 6 and .Net MVC can lead to sluggish behavior on the client side, especially when the data model is extremely complex.

Squash TM with MySQL

After installing Squash TM it is recommended to change the default H2 to another database. The most common database that is used with Squash TM is MySQL. To change the database it is required to run a script to create and insert the data into the database. When running the script an exception occurred. This exception said that too large data was inserted into the database.

How to set the number of processor cores in Windows 7

Nearly every modern CPU is a multi core processor. What is not so common is the effective usage of multi core processors. Sometimes programs have the tendency to become unstable when running on multi core processors. The effects can range from decreased performance to complete disfunctionality. So it is necessary to change the number of processors a program can use.

Spring: Accessing JPA repository from TaskExecutor thread

I'm using JPA and Hibernate for persistence, with some autoconfiguration help from Spring Boot. I'm running a JUnit test which saves some record in the JPA Repository. Then it instantiates a new Spring-managed-thread, and it's run by ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.

How @BatchSize works in Hibernate deep explanation?

I read related topics about BatchSize from the Net and from the forum but I still do not understand some parts. So lets describe what I understand and what do not understand. Batch fetching: an optimization strategy for select fetching. Hibernate retrieves a batch of entity instances or collections in a single SELECT by specifying a list of primary or foreign keys. And lets have JPA 2.0, with Hibernate implementation.

PowerMock testing - set static field of class

I'm having difficulty finding a way to set a static field of a class. It's basically like this: <code> public class Foo{ // ... private static B b = null; } </code> where B is another class. Is there any way to do this in PowerMock other than with setInternalStateFromContext()? Using the context class method seems a bit of overkill for setting one field.

Creating a Oracle IN clause with more than 1000 values

Because of a limitation of the oracle database it is only possible to put up to 1000 values in an IN clause. There is no limitation on subqueries, like the following: <cite>select name from table1 where id in (select id from table2)</cite> The first query works also fine, but if the number of values exceeds 1000, an SQLException is thrown. <cite>select name from table1 where id in (1, ... , 1000)</cite> -> works <cite>select name from table1 where id in (1, ...

How to add TU mail into a mail client?

I want to send and recieve mails from the TU mail server with my mail client without log everytime in the browser...


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