The solution to this problem is:
1.Open chrome in your computer
2.In the top right click more
3. Click on settings
4.At the bottom, click advance settings
5.In the "Privacy and security" section, click on Content settings.
6.Click on Pop-up windows.
7. Disable the Allowed option.
The best way to customize a WordPress theme, is to create a child theme. To do this, you need to create a directory in the themes folder, add a style.css and set the the ‘Template’ parameter in its header to the name of the parent theme:
Theme Name: Some Child Theme
Template: some-parent-theme
Then you need to create a functions.php file and make sure to enqueue the parents css:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mytheme_enqueue_styles' );
function mytheme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
After that, you can copy any template file from the parent theme to your child themes directory and change whatever you need. These files won’t be overwritten when the parent theme receives an update.
I will explain a solution for the popular Open-Source tool Filezilla. Other FTP tools might handle charset encoding differently.
FileZilla offers three different charset settings:
Per default, FileZilla tries to detect the correct charset on its own. If this doesn’t work and your server uses some custom charset encoding, you need to set it via the Site Manager. In the tab “Charset”, a custom charset encoding can be specified for each individual server. Once it’s set, the specified charset encoding will be used for all future connections to this server and the filenames will be correct.
Using Browser Configuration
The process to solve this from happening again had two steps.
1. Clear Browser data. Using Google Chrome (my case), in the “Clear Browser Data”, there are plenty of options: password settings, browser history and cookies controlling the ads, which we want to delete.
2. Block Cookies using the browser settings configuration.
These steps solve the problem in a short-term basis, however many pages do not allow navigation unless cookies are activated. Nevertheless, even if the general settings block cookies, they can be activated individually in those websites which require it.
Thomson Reuter provides OpenCalais as a Web service to index texts ( into several categories. And there exist a module for Drupal integrating the OpenCalais functionality into Drupal Websites ( If this module is enabled we have possibility to set certain characteristics in /admin/config/content/opencalais.
First we have to register at Thomson Reuter to get an access key that has to inserted in the settings dialog.
Then we can goto certain content nodes to decide whether they shall be analyzed by the indexing service. Different categories can be used. Social tags seems to be the most promising category. I have enabled the service for challenges and solutions.