
Password-based solutions (apps, additional software, etc.) might be more appropriate for that kind of a parental control.

A way of avoiding this thing is installing a widget, like AdBlock, that blocks all the pop up adds that appear in your screen


One such tool is SourceTree, a free Git client for Windows or Mac. It provides an nice visual interface between you and Git, no more command line!

Using Html/Javascript you can only select files using the file upload html component (I think Flash / Silverlight wrap this to make things easier but its still sandboxed)
You can however use Java Applets (orwhatever they are called these days), Native ActiveX controls or .Net Controls to provide additional functionality (this hase security implications and required VM/Runtimes Frameworks etc)
Adobe Air or other client side technology might work, but looks like you want to do this in JavaScript. In this case, uploading the file to the server and manipulating from there is the best bet.


One of the possible solutions would be to retrieve the available photo previews into a temporary local folder (keep in mind possible privacy issues), similarly as web browsers require to store web content locally to display it. Wget is a powerful yet simple tool to download content from web servers, supporting pattern matching of files being retrieved.

1) Determine the (potential) URL of the photos from the event of interest on FinisherPix (e.g. the Vienna City Marathon 2017 is apparently an event with the ID 1700, and photos being stored in the form ).

2) Construct web content (resource) pattern for Wget (e.g.*.JPG).

3) Download multiple available photos for the event of interest to a local preview all at once using Wget (e.g. by executing the command of the type wget -r -l1 -np "" -P /tmp -A "1700_*.JPG").

Again, be aware of the possible privacy implications resulting from such workaround.

If you have installed the mobile version of Chrome on your device with Android or iOS, you can enter the web in question and ask to see the desktop version from the browser menu. To do so, on either device, open Google Chrome and the page you want to visit. Once there press on the menu (on iOS there are three horizontal lines on top of each other and on Android they are three points, both are on the right corner) and look for the option "See as on a computer" that you can mark to that stays permanently and applies to each website you visit



One solution to this problem is:

-Open Chrome on your computer.
-At the top right, click More and then click configuration.
-At the bottom, click Advanced settings.
-In the "Passwords and forms" section, click Manage passwords.
-In the "Saved passwords" section, on the right side of the website, click More and then click on Delete

I have been using Angular 2 for a while, and it can get quite confusing.
I strongly recomend using Angular CLI, not only becuase it creates a basic working application (with a properly organized skeleton), but because it helps the administration of libraries (angular internal or external).
In order to install a library, if you're using Angular CLI, your project (in Angular 2) will have a package "angular-cli.json" where under the section "scripts" every installed package (.js) is referenced.
You will only need to launch the command ng serve, and all packages referenced will be installed!!

I have been using Angular 2 for a while, and it can get quite confusing.
I strongly recomend using Angular CLI, not only becuase it creates a basic working application (with a properly organized skeleton), but because it helps the administration of libraries (angular internal or external).
In order to install a library, if you're using Angular CLI, your project (in Angular 2) will have a package "angular-cli.json" where under the section "scripts" every installed package (.js) is referenced.
You will only need to launch the command ng serve, and all packages referenced will be installed!!

Chrome will hopefully offer this settings option (disable autoplay) in the next release (Chrome 64), expected on January 2018. So no extensions will be required, although they are very helpful now!



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