Network architecture

The solution is to turn the link sharing on, by allowing all link owners to see & edit. Out of some reason, this sharing possibility does not request a paid account.


Although it is not a free (economically speaking) solution, VPNs will allow to tunnel the traffic through an encrypted connection and make the content available on the other side.
The main disadvantage of VPNs is they do not have a user interface. They need to be hardcoded into the operating system.


Free VPNs almost always sell your information to third parties. Therefore one should be cautious using them and not log into online banking web sites and other websites with critical information.

The following solution is for Windows computers.
1. Access your Local Disk (C:) – also called Windows (C:). Look for the host file in the etc file in the drivers folder. C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
2. Open the host.txt, and at the very end, under the localhost configuration, add: “ www.websiteYouWantToBlock.xx”.
Additional websites can be added on a next line
3. Save changes
This process blocks the desired webpages from any browser.


Using VPNs
Although it is not a free (economically speaking) solution, VPNs will allow to tunnel the traffic through an encrypted connection and make the content available on the other side.
The main disadvantage of VPNs is they do not have a user interface. They need to be hardcoded into the operating system, and implementaation can sometimes be difficult for users.


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