
Lack of i18n in Wordpress core

Lack of i18n in Wordpress core Every time, when I am making new page/site, the internationalization takes a huge part of my work. Especially, in Wordpress multisite surrounding. I had to use different kinds of plugins , and to use unknown code from unknown authors is not good idea. So every time, I need to invest time to go over those plugins to look if there are vulnerability and if it they are compatible with my version of WordPress. WordPress release every 3 months new version. So far I had to do it manually. One of more popular plugin for internationalization, is not anymore under active support, and some major bugs have came up. It takes attention of developers, instead working on actual project, they need to find time to deal with those issue. Each of those plugins have its own structure, which means the author of them can make how they want without any restrictions, which may cause a lot of conflicts and trouble for other that wants to use if since they are open source. Internationalisation is not anymore "nice to have" it is "MUST to have".

Ease the development of multilanguage webpages

In many SW projects it is necessary to implement a framework to handle multiple languages. The concepts are formulated in the i18n. http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-i18n.de.php

How to detect the country of the website visitor in Drupal

<p>We want to detect the country of a website visitor in Drupal in order to redirect the user automatically to a specific page according to its country (or to compute the correct lanuage&nbsp;or currency for the current user)</p>
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