content management system

Change Joomla Footer Copyright Message

This tutorial is going to show you how to change the footer copyright message in a Joomla 3.x. based template.
1. To change the Privacy Policy text, go to your Joomla administration panel, then go to the menu Extensions -> Template manager.
2. Select the theme marked as “Assigned”.
3. Click the Options tab.
4. Scroll down till you see a field called Privacy Policy with the Privacy Policy text in it.
5. Change the text. By using the Privacy Policy item you can change the link for this button. The Privacy Policy Link option allows you to disable the button.
6. If your footer also contains the Terms of Use text, on the same page you can find options to change the text, disable/enable a button with this text or change its link.
7. The Show Year option allows you to enable/disable the year in the footer. The Show @ allows you to enable/disable the @ in your footer. The footer width can be controlled by the Footer Width option.
8. Once you have made the necessary changes, click Save at the top and open the front page of your site to check these changes.
9. The part of the footer text that says joomla can be changed in the configuration.php file located in the root directory of your site (can be accessed from FTP) in the following line
public $sitename = 'joomla';

For a detailed video tutorial check out this link:

Entering a wrong Worpress blog URL

If you running a wordpress blog on your own webspace, you have to enter the blog and wordpress URL under Admin Control Panel -> Settings. If you later change this address to a wrong one, your blog will not be working fine anymore. And since you entered the wrong URL you cannot login to the ACP, thus you can not change anything back. What's the key to get your blog running again?

Connecting an Authentication Server to a Drupal Content Management System

For my Ph.D. thesis I need a community portal, which supports students to share their experience about internet technologies. It turned out, that the content management system Drupal is a perfect fit to fullfill the given requirements. As usual for a content management system, Drupal also has its own user management function. This means, that students have to register before they may produce content on the portal. Although TechScreen is a software system on a prototype level, it is yet hosted on a server inside the TU computer network. Therefore it is expected to provide a login procedure, which makes use of the students TU credentials. So the big question is, how to connect the TechScreen system to the TU authentication server.
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