
Using joins (mySQL) in a query

Actually in a web application performance has a huge influence on usability. So I often use joins in my queries to provide compact sql queries. But queries with many joins have a bad performance and the user have to wait for a long time. Is there a better opportunity to provide a better performance?

How to decode addresses into coordinates and vice versa

Webapps in geographical context, often comprise the problem that postal addresses have to be converted into coordinates, in order to use them for navigational purposes. Also the other way round is sometimes required, like finding an appropriate address on the base of a given set of coordinates. Implementing an own coordinates to address converter is usually impossible for Webapp Designers or Programmer's, as it means to maintain a huge amount of data, as well as sophisticated algorithms to access the geographic data.

Using an external web application to keep a job done

The best solution I have found so far is to use some websites that visit your website repeatedly. By using this trick you can call a method to check whether the intended process/thread is running or requires to be restarted. You may also use an ASP.NET Web Service as the process but the same applies to the service. Other solution is when you own the server on which your website is running. If so, you may run a process outside the region of IIS and managed directly by OS so it can be running forever


Get JAX-WS to work with duplicate xsd:types

When writing a SOAP webservice using JAX-WS using NO explicit namespace declarations on the model and you have the following constellation: a webservice with a method named "order", a model class with the name "Order" the JAX-WS processor (e.g. Apache CXF) will complain because there are two XSD types referring to two different things. The webservice looks like this: <code>@WebService(...) public class WS { @WebMethod public void order(Order o); }</code> And the model like this: <code>@XmlRootElement public class Order { ... }</code> How can you work around this without using explicit namespace declarations and renaming the class or method?
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