
Searching tagged content in TechScreen

I have tagged content in TechScreen (solutions, challenges), and after some time now want to get an overview. It should be possible in a simple way to browse content in Techscreen by - getting a list of all tags, or my own tags - selecting one of this tags and get a list of the content having a certain tag Currently I see only the possibility to select a tag from the tag cloud (which is very large).

AutoComplete input box

For the improvement of user experience on a web site it is useful to provide a autocomplete element on some inputs. On the Internet there are many scripts available for download which implement autocomplete functionality. Unfortunately most of them are not functioning properly in all web browsers or have other important drawbacks - are not skinable, not flexible for different uses, etc. We want to implement a good autocomplete widget which would not have all the mentioned disadvatages.

Make the Navigation Menu user specific

For a workflow application serveral user types are defined. In general, depending on their roles, users have different rights. In particular the navigation menu must be user specific (e.g. some users may have write access, others only read access ).
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