There also exist offline-versions of validator tools like the "Total Validator Tool" that is available at With them you can check also sites that are on a non-public server or offline.
A trick to hide the e-mail-adress from spam-bots is to use the span-tag in html. Spam-bots search the code for mail-adresses. The span-tag allows us to type the mail-adress in the wring order (from right to left), so the searching software for spam cannot find it automatically and use it for spam-mails.
The direction statement makes it possible to show the mail-adress from right to left (rtl), so that customers of the homepage can view it originally.
This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc. This validator is part of Unicorn, W3C's unified validator service.
Enter adress and options to check.
This can be achieved by installing Selenium as Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox (Version 3.x).
Clicks, typing, and other actions are recorded and a test is generarted, which you can be run in the browser.
See .
We implemented a very simple, but flexible solution:
For each user role the configuration file has the following structure (only submenus having level 1 are considered)
For each top level menu item either
= "menuAction.jsp" if there are no submenu items
By analyzing the lines of the file succesively we get the role specific menu structure.
We implemented just this text structure, but the configuration file in XML format would in fact offer a more generally applicable solution.
In order to fix the requirements of specific user groups, we just specified some use cases and modeled the workflow by static html pages .
By discussion with users the role specific GUI was specified. It turned out that this effort was relatively high, but saved implementation time.