Apple was reusing this already known architecture of CPUS to increase the performance. This chip does not only use a simple ARM chip it self but the main idea is based on it.
However, since rosetta 2 is a very strong and helpful tool which was delivered directly from apple to takle such problems, you should use it. The drastically change in the already settled architecture world was carefully considered and planed by apple.
To come back towards your question, it is not necessary to rebuild and factor all the images. Rosetta will help you keep your images and containers on Track. Since Rosetta2 is able to virtually calculate and imitate all other systems you can set the following environment variable:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

Afterwards your AMD64 Container will start as normal on the Apple M1 System, hence the performance is slightly decreasing.




Indeed, Drupal 7 does not appear on the home screen of Acquia anymore. However, you can still set up a Drupal 7 site manually with minimal effort. At the time of this writing, Drupal 7 ist still not in EOL and is receiving security updates. As such, you should go to and see what the latest version of Drupal 7 is (currently 7.77). Click on the link for the latest Drupal 7 version and you will be given an option to download it as a .zip file. You should extract the contents of this file into a folder where you want your site to be. Then, when you start Acquia you will be asked if you want to create a new site or import an existing one. Select that you want to import a site and point Acquia to the folder where you have extracted your Drupal 7 distribution. This will register the site normally and you will be able to launch your site from Acquia, so you won't have to set up PHP, MySQL and Apache yourself, but will be able to easily use Drupal 7.



Installing Protégé on MacOs leopard

My solution was to bypass the problem by using the windows-simulation and the windows-installation file of protégé.
But that's not the solution, I'm very happy with, so I'm still searching for a better one!

I'm thankful for input!


Using Boot Camp to run XP and MacOS on the same computer

Boot Camp is software included with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard that lets you run compatible versions of Microsoft Windows on an Intel-based Mac.I will be guiding you guys through how to setup Boot Camp in Mac OS X Leopard or Snow Leopard. Boot Camp is a utility that comes with every new Macintosh and can run on any Intel Macintosh. It allows you to natively boot and run Windows XP (SP2 or later), Vista or Windows 7 (Not officially supported yet). Here goes the tutorial:Step 1: Navigate to Applications>Utilities>Boot Camp Assistant and open it. Read the introduction and click continueStep 2: Pick a partition size and select “Partition”. Allow the assistant to partition your hard drive for you.Step 3: Follow the rest of the Boot Camp Assistant instructions, ending with inserting your Windows Installation DVD/CD.Step 4: For the rest of the steps in setting up and installing Windows on to your Mac, follow this Apple Boot Camp tutorial: 

Using Windows XP in MacOs X

We have 2 ways;1. We can use Mac BootCamp Assistant to install Windows. But i dont prefer this way, thats why i wont explain that way deeply.2.Using a program to install a virtual machines such as VMware Fusion and ParallelDesktops. You can choice one of them to install the system. I have preferred VMware Fusion, i downloaded and installed this program on my Mac. Then we create a virtual machine for Windows Xp, for this system we adjust the hardware configuration such as  HDD size, RAM size and the other configuration. When there is not any kind of error, then we are installing the Windows XP in this Virtual Machine. We are installing the system ordinarily, and then the system will be ready after some simple configuration such as network and the other simple configuration. Its very simple to copy or paste folders and files with the systems one another by this way.


Customize Netbeans' properties file

There have been many workarounds published at sun's forum facing this problems. The most easiest way is as follows:

  1. Goto Applications (Shift+Cmd A)
  2. Open 'Netbeans' folder
  3. Show Packages Contents (Contextmenu 'NetBeans')
  4. Contents > Resources > NetBeans > etc
  5. Edit 'netbeans.conf':
    # Default location of JDK, can be overridden by using --jdkhome :
  6. Save file
  7. DONE.

Happy developing and deploying apps using Netbeans 6.1 and Java 1.6 on MacOS.


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