Welcome to TechScreen

Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

Testing of WEB based applications

In order to test a WEB application the communication between server and client must be recorded and played back. As client side scripting (such as JavaScript) is used the client is also relevant for the testing process.

Spring/CXF WS controller

A web service is typically an application programming interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform. Apache CXF is an open-source, fully featured, easy to use Web Services framework. The goal is to correctly configure an MVC controller to communicate with a web service using Spring and Apache CXF.

Spring/CXF WS service

A web service is typically an application programming interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform. Apache CXF is an open-source, fully featured, easy to use Web Services framework. The goal is to correctly configure a service to be run as a web service using Spring and Apache CXF.

Spring/CXF WS client config

A web service is typically an application programming interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform. Apache CXF is an open-source, fully featured, easy to use Web Services framework. The goal is to correctly configure a web service client using Spring and Apache CXF.

Spring/CXF WS server config

A web service is typically an application programming interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform. Apache CXF is an open-source, fully featured, easy to use Web Services framework. The goal is to correctly configure a web service server using Spring and Apache CXF.

Tomcat error page

Java web pages running on a Tomcat server may cast errors like NullPointerExceptions, causing the execution of the web page to fail. Additionally, errors may occur outside of web page execution, eg a File-not-found error caused by the user's URL request not being resolved to any existing part of a web page. The goal is to deliver a specific custom page when an error occurs on a Tomcat server.

Spam-Protect web forms

Spam is not only a problem for emails, but more so for web forms. Bots from spammers try to fill out forms all over the internet. But unlike in your email inbox, the data from your web forms normally does not get spam filtered, which makes spam in these cases an even bigger problem. The goal is to add spam protection (CAPTCHA) to your web forms to make sure only humans fill in and submit the form.

Access your computer over internet in a secure way

Accessing you own data is getting more and more important. Part of it is already accessible from "everywhere", when stored with your emails.

Test MAC authentifaction of a WiFi access point.

When a new WiFi access point is set up several security relevant configuration options have to be changed. First password authentication through WPA/PSK is enabled. Additionally MAC address authentication can be enabled to provide access only to certain machines which have thir MAC address entered in a list of known MAC addresses. The goal is to test if this feature was correctly enabled.

Get CompetenceCockpit working in Safari

Log in to TechScreen using the Safari web-browser. Then go to Competence Cockpit, there you see the section "Manage Competences". On the first run voting for competences is possible. However when trying to vote for a second competence the drop-down lists for selecting which competence to vote on is not visible anymore. Using Firefox on Mac OS X works.


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