Welcome to TechScreen

Welcome to the TechScreen site. This side shall support the exchange of knowledge in the domain of Web Engineering and related aspects. As a side effect, this side is used for research on knowledge management technologies. User can pose challenges in the problem domain and can participate in quizzes. Further a bibliography about arcticles in different related domains is continously extended. Finally, questionnaires on different issues are provided. To be able to participate you need an account and a password from TU Wien's TISS system.

How to visualize an ontology

Finding a tool to visualize an ontology's structure is what this challenge is all about. It should be as simple and intuitive as possible, and, if possible, free of charge. It should be able to handle at least one of the standard ontology standards (e.g. OWL).

Connect to a Postgresql database and select or edit data through R

I am a R user and want to connect to my postgresql database in order to select data for statistical calculations. Afterwards I would also safe the results into the database. Plain SQL statements would suffice. I am using R 2.12 and postgresql 9.1

Internet Explorer on Mac OS leopard

There is no Internet Explorer available for Mac OS leopard. But sometimes it would be interesting to run it, for example to test a new homepage.

Change Icon of iTunes 10 (to iTunes 9) (Mac)

Some iTunes user are not happy with the new iTunes icon. There is an easy way to change it back as in version 9. What we need is the icon from iTunes 9.

Change Log On Background (Mac)

At first the storage location of the default background has to be detected. Once found the file should get replaced by another picture. Optionally, image properties of the new picture could get adjusted to the default picture.

Hiding mail-adress on a website

Nowadays it is often necessary to show the e-mail-adress an a homepage. Customers should see it, but there exist programs to find out mail-adresses from web-sites to use them for spam. How can I hide my e-mail-adress from spam-bots as long as it is visible on homepages?

enable svn over apache 2 server

I have already svn and apache 2 installed on my ubuntu server. Now I wanted to enable to use svn trough the apache 2 server. How can that be achieved?

Enable https on Apache 2

How can I enable https on an apache 2 server? By default it is not enabled.

Validate html code

To be certain of a good representation of a homepage in different common browsers, it is necessary to validate the code.

Change data sent using POST method of HTTP

The main HTTP methods used for sending data to the web server are GET and POST method. When using the <strong>GET method</strong>, the data is encoded directly in the requested URL, specifically to the query part of it. The query part starts with a question mark and consists of pairs key, value in a form <code>key=value</code>, the pairs are divided by an ampersand. For instance to inform the web server that a user wants to log off, quite often the URL of the form <code>index.php?action=logout</code> is used.


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